Like many others I had been influenced by Dave Hunt's book and messages. I had admired him since I became a believer. I now pastor a church in the St. Louis area and Dave was speaking at a conference. I called and asked if he would consider staying over and speaking for us a couple of times. Dave graciously agreed. After the conference I went with my son, a young teen at that time to pick up Dave for dinner. Dave began to tell us a story about an experience he had recently on a horse. He told us how this horse began to buck and threw him to the ground, his foot was caught in the stirrup and the horse continued to gallop. Dave told us he was yelling for help, in fear of his life and finally the manager of the store came and unplugged the child's mechanical horse that he had been riding. Dave told the story with such a straight face and genuine emotion that he had my son and I hooked right up to his punchline. It opened my eyes to a side of the man I had never heard about. To see him joke and relax with us was such a joy. Then of course he came to speak at church and his passion for God's Word and love for the lost filled our sanctuary. A few years later, Dave taught at the same conference. I again called to have him speak and was told that Dave was taking no extra engagements. To my surprize the phone rang and a few minuter later and it was the Berean Call. It seemed that they mentioned to Dave that I called, and he said that even though he was scheduling no speaking engagements, he wanted to make and exception for us and come speak. That phone call meant a lot to me because Dave Hunt meant and means a lot to me, he will be missed.