God bless Dave Hunt | thebereancall.org

God bless Dave Hunt

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I learned about Dave Hunt when I attended a Calvary Chapel in Wisconsin in the mid 90s. As a product of the public schools who had psychology in my high school, I was impressed and challenged when I learned that Dave Hunt had written about the "seduction" of Christianity. Dave Hunt had the courage and insight of intellect to really penetrate to the core issues that has led to "compromise" of the no just the gospel, but the true freedom found in Christ. Despite what many modern churches may espouse, the believe in Christ with their Bible has no need for psychology and the new age. I also derived tremendous value from Dave's video series "Throne of Blood" that exposes the Roman Catholic Church in a way that I do not think has an equal. There are many books and resources out there on Protestantism and the Reformation, but none that have the boldness and depth of scholarship that Dave's work has. Dave's books were controversial...but that was because Dave was never willing to compromise the whole true of Christ. Dave Hunt's uncompromising positions made him a living argument for the existence of absolute truth. I had the chance to personally ask Dave Hunt a question at a college in the midwest where he had given a talk. I remember that Dave answered my question and took it seriously. Dave Hunt's influence was profound and he will be missed. It is unlikely that an intellect as passionate and committed to exposing and defending the absolute truth and sufficiency of the gospel with arise any time soon. The church owes him a tremendous debt.
