A great and powerful witness | thebereancall.org

A great and powerful witness

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I was made aware of the ministry of The Berean Call (TBC) back in 1999 through the Chick Publications website. It was in my college days that I began to be serious in seeking the truth instead of just taking every teaching and preaching from my local church. The book Seduction of Christianity was an eye opener but at that time, it seemed alien because the church in Malaysia was still strong in the Word. But recent years have proven otherwise as more and more churches here are being seduced into adopting New-Age teachings and leanings instead of opposing them back in the 90s. Other books like A Woman Rides The Beast is a great resource in understanding the Roman Catholic Church and using it to debate with Catholic friends with the hope of opening their eyes to the delusion and falsehood of their religion that offers no hope but bondage and spiritual emptiness. The monthly newsletters are a great source of information and inspiration to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. I thank the Lord for your ministry and thank Dave for his dedication and Spirit-led life which has let to lots of good books published for the edification of the saints. Shalom and rest in peace.