A hero of the faith | thebereancall.org

A hero of the faith

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Edmonton, AB

I first heard of Dave in the early 1980s when he used to appear occasionally on Southwest Radio Church. The first book of his that I bought and read was Peace, Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust in 1983. I've benefited tremendously from his work, especially where my own discernment has been concerned. A warning ministry isn't one that's going to make you popular, but I greatly appreciated Dave's ministry. He came to Edmonton in 1995 with Larry Thomas for a conference, and was very warm and gracious in person. He was kind enough to take the time to autograph copies of his books that I brought with me (a considerable number). I was also impressed with the fact that there was no admission charge for the conference, just the taking of offerings to meet expenses. I'll miss Dave more than I can say, but the Lord will raise up people to continue in his place, and I look forward to that day soon when we'll meet again.
