How He Made Me a Seeker of Truth |

How He Made Me a Seeker of Truth

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Taylor, Texas

Almost from the beginning of my salvation, Dave became my teacher and helped me to discern truth from error. I came out of a Catholic background, and when I got saved, and realized all the error I had been taught, I had a great fear of being wrong about other things in Scripture. One of the first books I ever bought as a Christian was The Seduction of Christianity. It helped me to rightly divide truth. Later on I read A Woman Rides the Beast. I have been teaching Bible Prophecy for about 20 years and have given that book away more than once. I gave it to one of my students tonight. Later, when the church I was in began to drift toward Calvinism, as usual I could count on Dave to reveal truth. And I bought What Love is This, which helped me glean from Scripture how a Calvinist twists the word of God. Dave Hunt was put in the life of a person seeking the truth by God in heaven, and that person was me. My husband and I met him in 1994 at a Niagara Falls Prophecy Conference.
