I was brought up in a very strict Catholic family. One of my brothers is a priest and one of my sisters is a nun. Then at the age of 26, I got saved, I was on my own at the time and since no one led me to the Lord, I had no one to explain anything to me. Anyway, I got a Bible, and the more I read it the more I came to realize I was in a false religion, I felt very confused at the time as my wife was a Catholic and not saved, so I prayed to the Lord to send someone to help me in my new found faith. Not long after that I heard there was a speaker from the states speaking at a Brethern church in town so I went to hear him. That was 1991 and it was Bill MacDonald. After the service I picked his brains as I had a lot of questions written down on a piece of paper and he answered them for me, Bill faithfully kept in touch with me as we wrote to each other up until he passed away. I hadn't known Bill long when he posted me a copy of the Berean Call newsletter, and he told me to put my name on their mailing list, so I got it every month and I loved it. My wife was now saved and we both read each one and learned so much from them, I also bought every book Dave wrote and that Bill wrote, in fact I bought 12 of Dave's books COSMOS, CREATOR, AND HUMAN DESTINY, and the guys I work with offshore on the oil platforms bought every one of them from me. Dave and Bill were an answer to my prayer to the Lord for the Lord to send someone to disciple me, so we love Dave and Bill very much, and although we are very sad to hear he has passed away, we know he is in heaven and one day I will meet my dear brothers Bill and Dave who have helped us and our 4 children so much in the faith. I also want his wife Ruth to know that they are very highly regarded among the believers here in Scotland, and will be sadly missed. Your brother in Christ, Brendan Flynn