I became a pastor | thebereancall.org

I became a pastor

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Cape Cod, MA

I got saved in the year of our Lord, Sept 17th, 1997 Was baptized shortly after :-) Although I never met Dave I feel as he has been both a friend, brother and colleague :-) I've consulted his newsletters countless number of times and have enjoyed his writing, charm and wit :-) I learned from his experience and taken his counsel all without his knowledge :-) However, that is the kind of man I believe he indeed was :-) I became a pastor in October of the year 2002 :-) I never had (or to this day) a formal church! Nevertheless I minister to folks I've never met and just might in heaven one day :-) Like Dave I too am called to defend the Word of God and praise God the He has put good and Godly folks in my path :-) While I'm not a notable person or a notable writer I am all that God wants me to be and because of people like Dave and the folks that have had a hand in my betterment I am what I am and I praise God and thank our Lord Jesus for Dave and I pray Dave has heard the words of the Lord say "Well done! My good and faithful servant!" Rest well, my friend and praise God for allowing you to be part of my life!! With the love that comes from knowing Jesus, Larry
