If it HAD to be said, Dave said it! | thebereancall.org

If it HAD to be said, Dave said it!

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Hi Ruth! So sorry to hear of your (TEMPORARY) loss, but know that Dave is happy and healthy and looks forward to seeing you again! In the meantime, I have a few recollections, mainly going back to various prophecy conferences I attended, where he was one of the speakers. As you know, Dave was NOT shy when it came to saying what had to be said. If he had any trepidations about 'offending', he screwed up his courage, put those lesser concerns aside and did what NEEDED to be done! He will be rewarded for that! One conference...2004, I think it was, he was getting under my skin when he would go on about John McArthur. At the time, I didn't know about the odious doctrine of Calvinism, so I tuned Dave out for a while. Then I found out what he was referring to and I tuned in to find out more. It was an indescribable relief to know that I wasn't the only person who took the same view. Better, Dave expounded on the issue and gave anti-calvinists practical weapons to use. (WHAT LOVE IS THIS?) How wild! I came to this site to order the book!