A report and comment on religious trends and events being covered by the media. This week’s item is from Christian News, March 4, 2002, with a headline: “Orthodox Jews protest against Israel.”An estimated 20,000 Orthodox Jews demonstrated on Tuesday, February 12th to voice their opposition to the existence of the state of Israel and its suppression of religion and brutal treatment of religious people.The demonstration in front of the Israeli consulate in New York City was organized by the Central Rabbinical Congress of USA and Canada.Some of the signs say: “Rabbinical Leaders fought Zionism since it’s inception,”“Israel does not represent world Jewry,” “Zionism stole the name of Jews,” “Zionism has no right to rule over any part of the Holy Land,” “Authentic Rabbis always oppose Zionism and the State of Israel.”
Dave, this is a stunner to me.I mean we are talking 20,000—this is not liberal or reformed Jews.These are Orthodox Jews.Where are—what—just like the article last month, where are their heads in this?What’s going on here?
Well it says the state of Israel is suppressing religion and brutal treatment of religious people.I don’t know what religion that is.Did they make it up?
Well why would Orthodox Jews complain if they are referring to—you are not allowed to go in and proselytize Jews, or maybe there’s some rules and regulations—
No, that’s not—they think the state of Israel is suppressing orthodoxy over there.However, Tom, this is a stunner.What religion is this that they follow?Where did they get the authority for this religion?Who invented it?The religion if it were biblical—they say authentic rabbis—always oppose Zionism in the state of Israel.Well go back and read the Bible.Go back and read what their own prophets have said.Didn’t this thing start with Abraham?Wasn’t he given the land of Israel by God?Didn’t God promise it to his descendants Isaac and Jacob and their descendants?That is to Israel?There are hundreds of promises in the Old Testament that God would well, cast them out of their land, discipline them for their sin, they would be scattered all over the world, they would be hated and persecuted like no other people, but God would preserve them in the last days he would bring them back into their land, an identifiable ethnic people.The authentic Jews and there he would make Jerusalem a cup of trembling (we have a book by that title) and a burdensome stone around the necks of all the nations of the world.If that isn’t true today, I don’t know what is.Jesus said the Jews would be trodden down of the Gentiles.Hosea said they would be without a temple, without sacrifices and so forth for many, many years which has happened.That he would make the princes of Judah like fire that would devour the nations around them and again that was fulfilled.I mean you could not have imagined that this tiny nation could stand up against—they were outnumbered 40 to 1 by Arabs surrounding them who have sworn to exterminate them.Well what are these people dreaming of?
That’s the point.We know that [in] Islam, it’s their stated goal to eradicate Israel.To eradicate the Jews.Aren’t these orthodox rabbis Jews?Again, where is their head in this?
There is not an Arab map in the world that shows the existence of Israel.They have stated over and over and over that they will annihilate them, exterminate the Jews.This is their purpose.In fact, Muhammad said the last day will not come until the Muslims confront the Jews and the Muslims destroy them.Even the rocks and stones will cry out, “Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!”This is what’s happening in the Middle East.Israel is willing to give their Palestinian state, let them have it if you will only promise that you will not attack us; if you will simply acknowledge our right to exist and the PLO will not acknowledge it.No Arab nation will acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.They have sworn exterminate them and now it sounds like these Jews want to do the same thing.Well they wouldn’t exterminate them.To whom does this land belong?God said it is—well, let’s go to Leviticus:25:23The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
See All... God says, “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine….”The problem with these orthodox rabbis and these religious Jews, these orthodox Jews, they do not know God’s Word.They’ve made up their own religion; they’ve got their own ideas.But they’re right in line with the Vatican.Remember Pope Pius XII wrote a letter June 22nd, 1943, to President Roosevelt in which he said there is no president in history for a nation that has been cast out of their land for 1900 years to be allowed back in.If a homeland is desirable for the Jews, some place better than Palestine would be preferable because if you allow them back in there it will cause great troubles for the world.You remember that Theodore Herzl in his diary in 1904 said he asked Pope Pius X for help to get the Jews back there.Pope Pius X said we cannot prevent the Jews from going there; we could never condone it.Pietro Gasparri, Secretary of State of the Vatican, a cardinal in 1919 said the thing that frightens us the most is the thought of the Jews returning to Palestine.They were utterly opposed to hundreds of promises that God has made in his word that he would bring his people back.Tom, it’s staggering.These people call themselves orthodox Jews?
Dave, last month in our newsletter, we had a Q & A referring to a man named Norman G. Finklestein and he was anti-Zionist to the point of being a PR guy for the Palestine Liberation Organization.Unbelievable!
Tom, the more I study it [and] I’ve studied it a great deal, it is a miracle that Israel even exists.The whole world is against them.The United Nations is against them.They have been condemned 370 times by the United Nations and never have the terrorists or those who have attacked Israel been condemned once.That Israel exists is a miracle of God and that 20,000 orthodox Jews would demonstrate against Israel’s existence makes it all the more remarkable.The existence of Israel is one of the greatest evidences of the existence of God and that the Bible is his Word.We also have people who call themselves evangelical Christians who don’t like the existence of Israel either.They say Israel is finished; the church is the new Israel and so forth.This is a very important topic Tom; I wish we had more time for it.