Knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and mouths which hath not kissed him |

Knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and mouths which hath not kissed him

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Cardiff, Wales, UK

After the Mormons came to my door in 1978, after researching them more and more carefully over two years, I came to Christ in Cardiff, UK. The Mormons repeatedly failed to answer the questions I was asking but, by carefully reading the Bible and looking deeper into the true history of this cult, I was also struck by the massive deception and incredible apathy that existed everywhere in the ‘orthodox Christian’ churches in the UK. But even the few workers I knew in counter-cult ministries seemed relatively unperturbed and discovering the work of Dave and Tom and The Berean Call was like reading of Elijah and hearing the Words of the Lord: ‘Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him’ (KJV; 1 Kings:19:18). Every book and newsletter I have read from their ministry has blessed my heart and, obviously, many others, too! There can be no greater blessing to a family than to know that, as every good father and pastor loves, feeds and protects his family and flock and every good worker builds upon the foundation of Christ with precious materials (1 Corinthians 3v10-14), The Berean Call will continue to be a strong witness to the Lord Jesus Christ until He comes - Maranatha!
