A Life Time of Learning | thebereancall.org

A Life Time of Learning

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St. Catharines Ont.

Just as in the picture of Dave you have posted, I remember him nodding at me with a big warm smile at a conference in Elmira/ Wallenstein area several years ago. My friend and I drove from the Niagara area to listen to him lecture and teach. He had such a way of conveying the truth of God's Word in a fashion that was easy to listen to, clear, intelligent and not boastful. We couldn't get enough before his speaking time ran out. His writings were very instrumental in encouraging me to seek the Lord through my young adult life and up until now. I really appreciated his logical thinking, i.e. David's size/ Saul's armor,  Eziekiel 38 & 39 being the same war as Armageddon and his ability to refute the opposition with the same mathematical logic. I love people who tell the truth about the Lord, and Dave Hunt is my favorite. Praying for you ....Billy