When I heard the news that Dave Hunt had gone home to the Lord....I cried. Now I am not an overly emotional guy but I felt the same as when I lost my father. You see it's only been during the past few years that I have come to know Dave and the body of his work for the Lord. I was born again at 17 years of age; a troubled kid raised in a screwed up catholic home, then thrown to the religious wolves right out of the gate. It's been 40 years now and I have to say I have been one of those "vexed Christians" struggling to "figure it out". Long story that goes something like this...starting from a screwed up home to Catholicism to drugs to an arrest to born again to a Calvinist/Once-Saved-Always-Saved dead church to Charismania to a work-a-holic to many churches to "I give up trying to find a good church" to "fence sitting" to "I am nothing like I was when I was first saved" to "There's no hope for me" to a real wake up call where we almost lost my son to suicide due to all this religious apostasy. (No joke). So what does all this have to do with Mr. David Hunt? I'll never forget the period of time where I fell on my knees in desperation, sought my God and God led me to some of Dave's messages. There were other Godly men I was led to like Jacob Prasch, David Hocking, Roger Oakland, Warren Smith and so forth. I didn't know there were real men of God dealing with real issues. I have several messages of Dave's that I still listen to that were so right-on and spoke directly to my family's circumstances. I don't know why it took me so long to emerge from the spiritual malaise, but the passing of Mr Hunt feels like I spent most of my life not knowing I had a father, and just when I discovered he was alive...he passes on. The work of Dave Hunt and the Berean Call is one of the few voices of truth in this increasingly dark world. I am forever grateful for the faithfulness of Mr Dave Hunt, a true servant of the living God. Thanks for allowing me to ramble on.