Now, Religion in the News, a report and comment on religious trends and events being covered by the media. This week’s item is from The Modesto Bee, June 4, 2005, with the headline, “Islam Volunteer Effort. A national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group recently launched an initiative, Muslims Care, to promote volunteerism in the U.S. Muslim community. The summer-long campaign by the Washington-based Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, aims to offer Muslims resources and information to help improve the communities in which they live. Muslims Care is designed as an annual effort with a focus this year on health awareness, helping the needy, and activities for youth. At the website, a potential volunteer may download information about how to become a volunteer. It also suggests volunteer activities such as blood drives, health awareness fairs, and student tutoring. The Muslims Care kit offers advice to Islamic religious leaders about how they can promote volunteerism in local mosques, and suggest partnering with established groups such as the American Cancer Society and Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
Tom: Unlike anybody else and - like you, you’re hopeful; you’re one of the most positive guys that I know, and you’re very hopeful about people. I’ve been around you for 20-some years now, and you always try and err on the side of mercy and so on, and you want to be hopeful that this is something good, that this is something that’s really going to be effective. I went to the website that they recommended here, this is (there’s a hyphen between Muslims and care, if anybody’s interested in going there), and the webpage has sort of a banner across it, and it says, “Promoting Volunteerism for a Better America.” And then they quote Surah 3:92: “You shall not obtain righteousness until you spend out of what you love in the way of Allah. Allah knows whatever you spend.”
Now, Dave, the Qur’an says “Allah,” but they put “God” in there, and we’ve been making important distinctions between “Allah” and “God” - that is, the God of the Bible. So - volunteerism for a better America? What do you think?
Dave: Well, Tom, after you say how positive I am, I hate to be a cynic, but it’s worse than that. For example, when the Twin Towers came down, the President said it, leaders said it: “Now, let’s not be hard on the Muslims in this country. Don’t be throwing rotten eggs at mosques, and don’t discriminate against people because they wear a burka, the women, or scarves to school, whatever it is.” Well, ok, that’s fine; I would go along with that. But not a word about the people that the Muslims are killing by the hundreds of thousands in Indonesia, Nigeria, burning down hundreds of Christian churches ever since sharia was adopted in 15 of the 19 Islamic states…
Tom: Islamic law.
Dave: In the Sudan they’ve killed more than two million. What the Muslims are doing around the world - suicide bombers, killing people - and this is Islam. And then we’re told, “Oh, be careful! Don’t discriminate against these people.” Well, yes, I would go along with that, but how about telling the truth, telling the facts, and how about putting them on the line for what they’re doing in other places?
Tom: Dave, is the Islamic community in the United States concerned about the things that you mentioned? Are there any cries against these Islamic nations and peoples who are killing others?
Dave: Tom, never. I’ve never come across it, and I’ve done a lot of research. And of course you know that Muslims were dancing in the streets when the Twin Towers came down around the world. So that’s part of the problem.
Now, their concern about a “better America…” Yes, but we document in the book we were talking about, for example, we document the propaganda that is being taught in mosques across America sponsored by Saudi Arabian money. They are arousing hatred against the West, against America, because that’s Islam, okay? Now suddenly we’re going to try to be nice to America? But it’s a contradiction, and we need to face that fact. It sounds like, “Well, this is the way we really are.”
Number two, the American Cancer Society, Big Brother, and organizations like this - do you know that Israel is not allowed to be a member of the International Red Cross? Well, anyway, Tom, you wanted to say something, so…
Tom: Well, in searching this website, I found a section that was just stunning. It has to do with Judaic-Islamic Teenager Outreach, and I am quoting: “Wanted: High School and undergraduate students of strong moral and Islamic character to form a coalition in the state of Maryland in attempt to reach out to the Jewish community of Maryland.” It says, Teams for Islamic-Judaic Understanding, which hasn’t been formed yet, and it gives the individual that you can contact, and so on.
Dave: Well, Tom, that is hypocrisy of the highest order. What Jew would want to join with a Muslim when Mohammed said every Jew must be killed? What kind of nonsense is this? They are trying to deceive us in the West. That is one of the reasons why I wrote the book: to tell the truth, the truth about Islam, because we are very easily deceived. It’s incredible that when the Twin Towers came down, you would think that that would expose it. All 19 [of the high-jackers] were Muslims, 15 of them from Saudi Arabia. What did it do? The next thing you know, everyone is saying Islam is peace; don’t blame a few fanatics. And 40,000 Americans have converted to Islam since that time. So we get such incredible lies in the West, and I see the look in the audience when I try to give them the facts. Christian audiences, they can’t believe it; they can’t believe what Islam is. They spread Islam from France to China with the sword, talk about the slaughter of the Armenians, the takeover of India is the bloodiest story in history…Will Durant says they killed more in India alone than Hitler killed. Come on! Let’s get the truth out there and let’s have these Muslims acknowledge what Islam is. The only way they can join the Jewish students and for the good of America is they will have to renounce Islam and renounce Mohammed; otherwise they are going against their own religion, and I can tell you this: it wouldn’t fly in Saudi Arabia.