None can fill his shoes |

None can fill his shoes

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Pittsburgh PA

I have known Dave since 1983 and consider him the most important human being in my spiritual walk with the LORD. He was and is such an inspiration to me and the ministry of discernment that I continue in due much to Dave's example and encouragement. He was fearless in the face of the opposition that called him every name in the book and many books were written just to blast his writings because he exposed the unfruitful deeds of darkness his critics were party to. No matter how vehement the attacks against him would be, he held his biblical ground. I once asked him how he was able to be so brave under such hostilities and he said, "The battle is the LORD's." Now Dave has laid down his armor and is resting in the arms of his Savior. His rewards follow him. For the 30 years I've known him, he has faithfully defended the Truth and I've defended him. I've heard and refuted the slander from godless religious people who thought they were doing God a service by slamming Dave. They couldn't get to him; he wouldn't be moved from his stance on the Word of God. He walked the talk and wept over the things that no doubt made Jesus weep. I look forward to our reunion in the clouds. Maranatha!