I believe it was the summer of 1984 that I first heard Dave speaking on the 'Point of View' afternoon radio program with Marlin Maddoux. I was a new believer at that time, driving a delivery truck, but having daily opportunity for checking out Christian radio for the first time. I was captured by Dave's Christ-centered message and, being most impressionable in my new found faith, I quickly transferred his godly character to being my own in that I assumed this to be the 'norm' for all Christians. In time, I discovered that Dave was very unique in that he stood firmly, and unswervingly, for the veracity of the Word, strongly challenging the Church to be true 'Berean's' (Acts:17:11These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
See All...). I soon made contact back then with Dave and over the next decade had arranged many of his travels to come here to the Northeast. This was quite an adventure for me as Dave was like a 'mobile mentor', encouraging and giving Godly counsel on a multitude of life issues. He always kept the focus on the Lord, the One whom he loved and fervently served with much passion throughout his lifetime. Eventually I returned to my schooling at Liberty University, graduating from the seminary there in Virginia. Though I received a great formal education (concentrating in apologetics) it was through Dave and his friendship, role-modeling, and voluminous writings that I personally became the beneficiary of so much wisdom for my life. For all this I will be eternally grateful to Dave and I look forward to meeting again in the Promised Land above with Jesus. In The Grace and Mercy of Our Lord, Pastor James