Dave Hunt's books have been so invaluable in my walk with the Lord. I believe he is a true man of God and we are very blessed to have him still writing and teaching. He confirmed to me the new age had been making headway in the church that my family and I became members of in 1981. We left in 1986 because after leaving the Catholic church, where I was raised I said I would never be a part of a false church again.This was an AOG church and I started my journey of exposing Deceit when the Holy Spirit shows me. At first I felt I was looking for trouble and false teaching and thought maybe the problem was me but then Dave's book came out called Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust, and I knew that there must be others who were trying to wake their Christian brothers and sisters up. I always look for Mr. Hunt to come to Chicago, but I guess he isn't well received by most of our apostate churches. But I want him to know that the Lord has used him in my life and walk and I am so grateful for his obedience to Jesus as persecution does follow that kind of courage. We are SIsters and Brothers in the Lord and Praise God we have each other and what a glorious day we look to when Jesus comes to rapture His Bride To Heaven! May the Lord continue to bless you, Dave Hunt, and shine the light of truth for those who really want The Truth.