My sympathies to the family and friends of Dave Hunt, although we are assured in Scriptures that we can know that we are going to heaven to be with Jesus and we can be sure Dave is waiting for us shouting and leaping for joy in our LORD's presence. Dave Hunt's books have been a great influence on me and my ministry. I first read his Seduction of Christianity about eight years ago. Though it was written in the 80's it is still relevant today. I also continue to receive emails and Facebook posting that I'll read and forward to many family and friends. There is little error in the Berean Call as there in no error in God's Word, infallible and inerrant. Thank you Dave for you watch on the wall, there is no blood on your hands. And please continue the Berean Call to search the Scriptures daily so that we may be approved workmen not ashamed of the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. I Tim 2: 15