Ready always to give a reason for his faith |

Ready always to give a reason for his faith

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Warwick, Qld Australia

Am looking forward one day to thanking him for keeping me on the straight and narrow. When I first became a Christian, I was disturbed because everyone was telling me to tune in to Benny Hinn. I found him alarmingly irrational and a pastor gave me 'Global Peace and the Antichrist' and I realized why. Then I was influenced by the Reformed movement, there was What Love Is this? and Whatever Happened to Heaven? Also I listened to Dave speak at the evangelical Reformed Church in Bellville South Africa in 1999, and Dave gave good reasons why we shouldn't take Y2K seriously as opposed to the alarmism of many of the churches, including those deriding us rapturists and calling us 'date setters'. In fact, Dave was saying here that date setting was unBIblical. Dave was warning us about Islam long before 911. He also warned against increasing occultism and church growth movement. At crucial moments in my spiritual walk, Dave was there with calm reasoned arguments from the Bible showing me the sensible way to go. If I am a quarter as helpful to other Christians as he was to me, I shall be content. I can recommend everyone to read his books. listen to his talks and watch his DVDs. You will never be sorry. Denise