A report and comment on religious trends and events being covered by the media.This week’s item is from, November 5, 2007, with a headline “Reincarnation of a Hindu Goddess?”The following are excerpts:A toddler born with eight limbs and believed by some to be the reincarnation of the multi-limbed Hindu goddess Vishnu, is set to undergo a 40 hour operation to remove half of her limbs.Lakshmi Tatma was born joined to a 'parasitic twin' and will go under the knife at the hands of 30 surgeons to remove two of her useless arms and legs.The headless 'twin' is joined to Lakshmi at the pelvis and has its own spinal column and kidney.The extraordinary eight-limbed baby was born in a poverty-stricken region of Bihar, India - on the day devoted to the celebration of the four-armed Hindu deity Vishnu.Without the operation the little girl would never be able to walk or crawl and would be unlikely to live past her early teens, doctors said.Poonam Tatma who gave birth to Lakshmi on the celebration day of the four armed Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity after whom the newborn was named said, “She is a miracle a special blessing from God, but she is my daughter and she cannot live like this.”
Dave, I want to talk about how beliefs, you know we’ve been talking about mysticism and Roman Catholicism, but how beliefs affect your life.But first of all, a follow up to this story, this little girl is a doll-baby, just the cutest thing that you could ever see, not that that is critical, but I saw her pictures on the internet and—just a doll-baby, but obviously some problems with these extra appendages—arms—2 extra arms and 2 extra legs and so on.And I understand that the surgery went really well.So, I thank God for that, but my prayer also is that they would come to know the true and living God, not—see there is so much confusion here.She’s a miracle, well if she’s a miracle from Vishnu, the multi-armed; multi-legged goddess, then why would they want to change this. But obviously, the mother in love and concern for her daughter sees a problem here.
Yes.Some of the other names of Vishnu are Kali, the KaliTemple in Calcutta where they buried virgins in the foundation of it.That’s traditional.Her name also is Durga.She is the Star Wars Force.She is the consort of Shiva, the destroyer, and she is Kali more fearsome—she is depicted as having her heal on Shiva’s neck.In other words, she’s more powerful that the destroyer and it’s very important to pacify her.
Doesn’t she have a garland of severed heads…or hands….
Hands, a garland of severed hands…and she’s drinking blood, freshly spilt blood—human blood out of a skull and so forth, so this is Vishnu, the goddess Vishnu, otherwise known as Kali and Durga.Tom, it’s such a tragedy that India—I’ve read—well, I’ve been to India, only once.I spent over a month there in several different places.It’s not a place I would want to return to.I nearly died there—I mean the diseases you could pick up—I am sure it has improved at least somewhat since then. The Indian people are brilliant—we’ve got real scientists now who have come to the West to get educated, but they’re brilliant, many of them.But India is a pitiful place.There are old-aged homes for cows.There are people who practice Ahimsa which means non-violence and some of them wouldn’t eat meat because if you eat a sheep—it could have been your aunt who was reincarnated into that form.You wouldn’t step on an ant—it could be your aunt just come back to life again and the poverty of this place and the disease—Tom, I saw rats there larger than cats—like small dogs.They can gnaw their way through cement!I was staying at a Christian school at one point and I saw one of them one night going in through the front door of that Christian school.It would be terrifying—and what causes this?It is the teaching of Hinduism.I’ve got a debate coming up with a Hindu.I’ll be interested to see how he testifies of this.So this is paganism at its worst.And yet it still is practiced today.They have about 330,000,000 gods at the latest count and various people have their favorite gods.The God of the Bible says, “I am God; there is none else.”Isaiah 46, I think, he says, “Is there a god besides me?I know not any.”God says, I checked this thing out.I’ve been all over the universe and I can tell you there’s no other gods out there. So we have false gods, and yet Tom you know we are in a day when they are trying ecumenism—we’re going to join with all of them.And last Thanksgiving (and I haven’t checked up—I’d like to know how it went—in Denver, they had a Thanksgiving service, first one in the US ever, presided over by a Muslim imam and he said, no its not fair that you Americans—you just have—this is an American thing?Well, no, no, we are going to have Thanksgiving to Allah also.It should be for all peoples.Now this is what they are doing and it is getting worse.Anyway, praise God that this operation was successful, but we need to pray for these dear people who are in such darkness.