Dave has been such a blessing to my family for many years. My mother first introduced him to me through his book Whatever Happened to Heaven? It was at a time when my faith was slipping and I couldn't understand what happened to all the Christians around me who never even mentioned the rapture or looking forward to heaven. Dave hit the nail on the head and it was exactly what I needed to restore my faith. There would be many more of those in the future! LIke when my husband and I thought we were the only ones in the world who didn't think The Passion of the Christ was blasphemous. We despaired and thought we were crazy until I heard Dave and Tom speak about it. Then came the confusion we felt when we were first introduced to Calvinism in our church. Our spirits felt it was wrong but all of our Christian friends and Pastor told us even if we didn't know it we were Calvinists. More despair! Until I heard Dave speak about it and got confirmation from the Lord that we were right. It's very hard trying to navigate through all the teachings I've been exposed to. The Holy Spirit lets me know in my spirit but sometimes I need confirmation. Dave has been used by God in my life many times to let me know what I thought was the Holy Spirit's guidance really was. Several months ago I spoke to my dad (78yr) about the moral decline of the world and how sad it is to see how evil everything is. My dad, who jokes a lot, said when Dave Hunt dies "it's all over". He said he wouldn't want to be here anymore. I agreed and we both hoped and prayed that day wouldn't come. When I heard of Dave's death I cried as if my own dad had just died. Such a terrible loss. But some of the tears were of joy that he was with the One he loved so much.