I'm a slow learner - it took me 45 years of living as a sinner to come to an acceptance of the gift of salvation from God via His Son Jesus Christ. My wife Julie, much brighter then me, had done so when she was a young girl. I got saved in a Pentacostal fellowship that within two years had its first church split and within another two it experienced its second. I began to wonder what was wrong with fellow believers. For me after salvation it was easy - unlike many other believers, I knew what a sinner I had been and I was joyful at being forgiven. I accepted everything the bible said to me without challenge - after all it is the Word of God. Confused at the behaviour of other believers, I came across the book "Seduction of Christianity" and the light went on and I began to understand. With my scientific penchant for analyzing things thoroughly, I examined all aspects of the time since Christ as well as Old Testament history and prophecy and realised that as we are in the flesh we can and are easily led astray by our carnality. Yet on all occasions I found that Dave was consistent in his analysis of what was happening and how, of course, this complied with biblical prophecy. I didn't agree with Dave on all things and at all time, just most of the time and I am saddened, but joyful that he has gone to be with the Lord. We pray for Ruth, the family and the Berean ministry. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you all.