The Seduction of Christianity |

The Seduction of Christianity

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Holland, Michigan

I read with sadness yesterday about Dave Hunt’s death. I will have to wait until Heaven now to shake his hand and to let him know how much his stand for the defense of the faith encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. I was saved in 1984 when I was 28 years old. Coming out of a life of addiction to pot and booze I was brought to many different churches by well-meaning friends to "help me grow". I was steadily and eagerly in God’s word every day, trying to get to know this wonderful God that saved me and called me His child, but what I was hearing off the pulpits brought me confusion and bondage. During this time I was reading about everything I could get my hands on when I came across Dave’s book entitled the Seduction of Christianity. I was warned about this book by some people in the Charismatic movement but of course I read it anyway. I do believe that the Lord used this book to help my climb out of the religious confusion that was all around me. It certainly helped my sort things out and see the truth of what just really what was going on. I am deeply grateful and will always have a fondness in my heart for this dear brother who is now rejoicing with the Lord. I have many of Dave’s books on my bookshelf and will always treasure them for their pointing me to a clearer understanding of the Bible..which is the best treasure of all.
