My husband and I were saved around 1984, and got involved in a prosperity church, who was a sort of name it and claim it. we were new believers and didn't understand much. Someone eventually gave me a copy of Dave Hunt's book Seduction of Christianity. We knew things in this church were strange, but we didn't know very much. Dave's book really helped us, I read it and shared info with my husband. Our eyes were really opened. I've always enjoyed Dave's books. The more recent one that helped us really get perspective was, What Love is This? Although I have been a fan of his books for years, I really appreciated him being willing to step out and challenge Calvinism. It's a huge problem in the church. I was very sad to hear of Dave Hunt's passing, but thank God he is with Jesus now. There are so few today with the integrity and character that he had. My prayers will be for Ruth and their family. We don't sorrow as the world does, we will all see Dave again. Paula J Knutson