Seduction of Christianity, Woman rides the Beast, What love is This? |

Seduction of Christianity, Woman rides the Beast, What love is This?

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Hickory Creek, Texas

20 years ago I was introduced to the Berean Call newsletter soon after I first became a Christian. I ordered the reprints of all the newsletters available at that time and read them all in order....what an education! Dave's books Seduction of Christianity, A Woman rides the Beast, and What Love Is This? are classics! If you haven't read them yet, you need to order a copy and read them to see how great of a teacher he is! I feel as though I've lost a great friend, I made a point to meet him and shake his hand at a conference some years ago, and I'm so excited for him now. He is experiencing all the joy and thrill of being in the presence of Jesus Christ, our God and Savior! I pray for God's comfort for his wife Ruth. I know Tom McMahan has lost a great friend as well. Stay strong Tom and continue the ministry. Take care, Bryan.