It was my mother who first taught me about Jesus Christ at a very young age. She did a tremendous job of it because I never forgot. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs:22:6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
See All... KJV) But as I grew older, while I always believed in God, I chose the ways of the world and the lusts of the flesh. I was a lukewarm professing only Christian at best. Dave Hunt brought me back. It started with a simple " Who is Jesus Christ?" Google web search a few years ago. This is when the Holy Spirit connected me up with Mr. Hunt as one of his YouTube videos was near the top of the results page and caught my eye. I was very impressed. Dave Hunt has had a huge impact on my journey with the Lord since then. I have never met him but I truly believe the Holy Spirit used Mr. Hunt's writings and videos to capture my interest and stoked my desire to learn about biblical prophecy. This has lead me to read the Holy Bible for myself in its entirety and to pray for wisdom. You see, there is this train moving full steam ahead picking up few willing passengers on the way to God's eternal kingdom. Jesus Christ is the engineer and conductor of this train. It almost passed me by because of my own ignorance and foolishness. But Dave Hunt was there leaning on the back railing of the caboose with an outstretched arm yelling "Grab a hold boy, come aboard, this will be the best and most important ride of your life". I did and I haven't looked back nor will I. Peace to the Hunt family.