I have no grand story, or an especially humorous or witty one. Just an encounter between one Israel and one Mr Dave Hunt. I had written a few letters to Dave in the year or so before he came on this particular trip to Israel. I was touched that he got in contact with me, and said he would like to see me in person. I was living in central Galilee, and he was staying for a day or two in Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, so we arranged to meet there. He recalled our letters, and his comments showed that he had read them carefully. We discussed a number of matters of faith, of Israel and prophecy. We had dinner with his tour group, and chatted again alone after dinner. What pleased me about the man is that he had no airs about him. He was mild mannered, and a great listener. Mostly, he was an even greater commentator. There was no drama to this encounter, but I did meet a genuine fellow, and there aren't all that many left these days. We didn't agree on everything, but he asked me to read the proofs for one of his books about the middle east, and asked for my endorsement, which I heartily gave. I really learned that Dave listens, as he made a few significant changes that I only suggested, after asking his wife what she thought. We are one good soul short on this planet now, but I am sure he doing fine.