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Pembroke Pines, FL

The Berean Call Newsletter came to my hand in Lima, Peru and I wrote to register to receive my own copy. To my surprise I also received a book for free: “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt. I learned to be bold in defense of the faith. I was deeply grateful that someone would invest in me. I rejoice with Ruth that Dave is now with his Savior. At the same time I have a deep pain in my heart because he will not be around for us. What a great teacher, friend and example he’s been for us. His opinion, books and all his works have been a great resource to me, all firmly based on God’s word. I’m deeply grateful to God for The Berean Call and for Dave’s life. I look forward to meeting him in heaven. What a great joy when the Lord comes again and takes us with Him to be forever in his presence or calls us home, as he did with Dave. May the Lord keep on comforting Ruth in the days to come. I also look forward to watching the videos of TBC summer conference this year for all its great material but also for that time when Dave will be remembered. Thanks to Tom McMahon and TBC staff for the great job they do.
