Walking close to the LORD | thebereancall.org

Walking close to the LORD

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Catawba, VA

My husband and I met Dave at Calvary Chapel of the FIngerlakes in upstate NY in 1998 when he was speaking at a conference there. I had read several of his books and was incredibly blessed by hearing him and meeting him in person. Being able to talk with Dave and spend time with him afterwards, I marveled at his boldness and his passionate love and great knowledge of our Savior. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to see Dave in action with his steadfastness and pure desire that we should all know the Truth and share what our great Lord has done for us. He was bold and thorough in his knowledge, courage and joy in the Lord and that the Spirit of GOD filled and overflowed him was evident. The Berean Call and his books became a permanent part of our lives being shared with all that were interested in growing in their knowledge and love of GOD's Word. Our hearts grieve for Ruth and for all those who love Dave but we rejoice that he is now where we long to be. It has been our prayer that Dave would be blessed to cheat death coming into the presence of the Lord at the rapture but oh, how full of joy and love Dave's heart is right now....I can only image. Our thanks and appreciation that Dave has finished his race so well. Blessings.
