Dave that’s a question that I’ve wrestled with for a long time and it’s only by sort of growing in the faith and understanding the character of God that I have more, as we said, faith in it, or trust in it.But what is your response?
Well the Bible says, Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?So I can trust Him for that, number one.Number two, the Bible does tell us in Romans 1 that everyone is without an excuse.That relates to what we were just talking about.These lawyers are without an excuse.The whole universe cries design, designer!We know that God exists.Every person knows that God exists.Furthermore it is totally irrational for any human being, and it is contrary to all the evidence they see around them to form a god out of stone or wood, or to believe in some spirit in a tree or in a waterfall or to worship nature.Nature is not kind, there are no morals with nature.You don’t pray to a hurricane and so forth, so every person where ever they are, every time and every culture, they know that there is a God of infinite power and wisdom who created this universe.So if they reject what God has told them, He’s not obligated to tell them any more.He couldn’t tell them any more, they’ve already rejected the most obvious thing.So they are lost, they are doomed, because of their rebellion against God.This is what sin is.It’s rebellion against God.So the fact that they haven’t heard about Jesus Christ or they don’t know about salvation is not unjust because they would reject Jesus Christ if they heard about Him.They’ve rejected the witness of creation.
Would we add the scripture says that God has given everyone a conscience?
Right, that’s Romans 2.I was just getting to that, but you go ahead.
No, no you go ahead.
Well Romans 2 says the Gentiles have not the law, but they do the things contained in the law.They bear witness to the law of God written in their conscience.Their thoughts accusing or excusing one another.So we all know in our conscience, every human being knows in their conscience that not only did God create them, but they are accountable to Him.And they know that they have sinned and come short of His standards.Every human being knows that.Well then they must also know that you can’t appease God.It’s a matter of justice.How am I going to save myself?How am I going to be delivered?Because the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven the scripture says—revealed in our conscience—we have a guilty conscience, we know we’ve sinned, we know we’ve done wrong.Then anyone, anywhere, in any time in history knows that they cannot justify themselves, they cannot save themselves, they cannot make up for having broken the law in the past.Some sacrifice that they offer; some hocus pocus, some ritual isn’t going to work.Then they throw themselves on the mercy of God.They know that God, if there is to be a way, God must have a way.And I believe that God will get that message to all of these people somewhere.Jesus said of Abraham: Abraham rejoiced to see my day.And he saw it and was glad.Well there weren’t any evangelists that came to
Abraham, God spoke to Abraham.I believe that God can speak not only through the universe, through conscience, but He can also—He can bring someone like in the day in which we live, He can bring someone across their path.But God can also speak to them in their conscience.We’re not saying that because they never heard about Christ, therefore they are in some special category.I don’t believe that they are and I don’t find that from the Word of God.
You know the thing that has always been an encouragement to me—people say well, you say that people have to believe this and believe that and I don’t know all the mechanisms that God uses to reach a heart.But I do know this that it was so important for Him that He sent His only begotten Son to die.In other words, we’re talking about God being a just God, but He’s also a loving God who sacrificed himself for us.So if He sent His Son, He’s going to move heaven and earth to reach anyone who is willing to come to Him.
And let’s take the other side of the coin Tom.What about the millions out there that never heard? Well what about the millions in America who have heard, and in other countries who have heard and have rejected the gospel.And very often the person that raises this question is trying to excuse themselves.Well they have rejected the gospel, but what about those people other there that never heard it and they are trying to excuse themselves.“Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?”And I would just suggest to the person that wrote that, pay attention to your own responsibility before God and be sure that you have embraced the gospel before you worry about others.I’ll leave them to God himself.