Tom: Thanks, Gary. You’re listening to Search the Scriptures Daily, a program in which we encourage everyone who desires to know God’s truth to look to God’s Word for all that is essential for salvation and living one’s life in a way that is pleasing to Him. In this segment of our program, we are continuing our discussion of Dave Hunt’s new book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations. And, Dave, last week, as you remember, we were in Chapter 2, titled, “Hatred’s Final Solution,” and we were explaining the only rational basis for anti-Semitism, which I’m sure surprised more than a few of our listeners. I think it bears repeating for any new listeners that have joined us.
Dave: Well, Tom, first of all, anti-Semitism is an established fact in the world; it was foretold in the Bible.
Tom: Dave, this is hating Jews.
Dave: Yeah, and why should these people be hated? And yet God said they would be. They would be hated, persecuted, killed like no other people. In fact, Hitler was going to exterminate them. You remember, the Nazis had identified 11 million Jews in Eastern and Western Europe, and they were going to wipe every one off of the face of the earth. You know that there is not an Arab map in the world that shows Israel’s existence. As far as they are concerned, Israel does not exist, and they are going to prove it. These particular people, are they so evil? So what could you say, that there’s a universal hatred? It’s all over the world! Anti-Semitism is on the increase in Europe and in America, on university campuses in America - they’re just hated everywhere.
Tom: And, Dave, as we mentioned last week, there have been people groups who have been hated down through history. Blacks have had their own persecutions and so on, but the point of the persecution, whether it be Armenians, whoever it might be, the point has been for political power, for money, for something - there was a point to it, but no one has been able to, as the way the world thinks, come up with a point as to why the Jews have been persecuted.
Dave: Well, there’s only one point, and that is to exterminate them, so that the Jews are the only ones who, for their own sake - just to get rid of them - have been persecuted and pursued like this around the world, okay? So then, what is the explanation? Either these people have some mark on them - they are so vile that they deserve to be hated - or there is something else involved, and the only rational answer that you can come up with is [that] it’s satanic.
Well, is that fanaticism? No, it’s logical, because the Messiah would come through the Jews. So if Satan could destroy all the Jews, no Messiah! He’s won his battle with God, because the only way Satan would be defeated, you know, who deceived Eve (and Adam wasn’t deceived, but he went along with it, so now he destroyed the human race), sin came into this world, man is separated from God, he’s under God’s judgment, and Satan would have destroyed this whole world or he would have taken it over. They became his followers like Adam and Eve did. Well, God is going to have to become a man, come to this earth…He never ceased to be God when He came to this earth; He doesn’t cease to be man, so the one and only God/man…
Tom: The Messiah.
Dave: The Messiah. That’s who the Messiah would have to be: He would have to be man in order to properly represent mankind.
Tom: Mm-hmm. And of course, the Messiah is the Hebrew, but the Greek is Christ.
Dave: Right. He would have to be man in order to represent man, He would have to be God in order to pay the infinite penalty. So He would have to be God and man in one - this is what the Bible says: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, the Government will be upon His shoulders, His name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father.” So Isaiah:9:6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
See All...,7 foretold it, as did other scriptures. The prophets foretold God Himself is going to come to this earth as a man.
So what must Satan do? He’s going to be a Jew; He doesn’t step off of a UFO and say, “Voila! Here I am!” He has to have a history. He has to have a real relationship to mankind, to some group of people; and the Bible foretold that He would be a Jew, descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, a descendant of David, because He is going to reign on the throne of His father, David. So then, if Satan can wipe out all Jews, no Messiah. He’s won his battle with God, okay? He is beyond reach of God’s judgment.
Well, as a matter of fact, Christ came. We know that, because He fulfilled all the prophecies - nobody else did it. And I think I have either a chapter or a section in the book, “How many candidates are there for a Messiah?” Well, one of the prophecies, Daniel 9: the Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey 69 weeks of years from the going forth of the command to rebuild Jerusalem - you get that in Nehemiah 2. That was AD 32, April 6. Now, how many people rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on that date and were hailed as the Messiah, and four days later crucified as the Scriptures foretold? You’ve only got one candidate for Messiah. I mean, you can’t explain it away.
So the Messiah came, He defeated Satan on the cross - how? By paying the penalty for our sins. He suffered in our place the full penalty that God’s infinite justice required, and when He had completed that on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” Tetelestai, paid in full, okay?
So Satan has been defeated; so the Messiah has come. So is that the end of the battle? No, because the Old Testament prophets foretold again and again (literally hundreds of times, and we go into these prophecies in the book Judgment Day) that the Messiah will return. This is the Second Coming. This is not the Rapture when He takes His own, the church, all believers out of here before He brings judgment upon this earth. This is the Second Coming, when He comes in glory and power with the church, with His bride, to rescue Israel in the midst of Armageddon and to establish His kingdom on the throne of David.
Well, if the Jews could be destroyed now, if Hitler could have destroyed them, if the Muslims - and we have quoted it a number of times, I won’t quote it again - but Mohammed said every Jew on the face of this earth must be killed before there can be any resurrection of any Muslim and the hope of going to Muslim paradise. So you see how important it is that every Jew must be killed. If all Jews could be killed, then God has been proved to be a liar. He promised that He would preserve these people no matter who came against them. He promised that they would be there as a nation back in their own land when the Messiah returned at the Second Coming. And if there is no Israel - and no Arab map shows it; the PLO logo, no Israel, Hamas, all of them - if the Jews could be wiped out now, then there is no Second Coming. Satan has this world, and God cannot punish Satan, because He’s lost the moral basis. God has been proved to be a liar, so He couldn’t possibly punish Satan.
Tom: So, Dave, somebody listening to us [is] saying, “Satan…what are you talking about here?” This is God’s adversary. He was called Lucifer before he sinned in heaven. But as I’m thinking about him, he must truly believe that this is the way to save himself from the lake of fire, save himself from eternal torment.
Dave: It’s his only hope, and if he could inspire mankind to wipe out all Jews, then he’s home free. He has this world. God cannot punish him - his Antichrist is in power, Satan is in power. So that’s a long discussion of your question, but it’s the only way you can explain it and, in fact, this is the way it is working out.
Tom: Yeah, and, Dave, I want to start with the foundation for some examples we’re going to give, that you give in your book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations, so people understand. In Istanbul, Turkey, for example, in the middle of the Feast of Ramadan, which is a time of peace for Islam…
Dave: It’s supposed to be.
Tom: Right, car bombs devastated two synagogues, killing and wounding dozens. In Morocco in May 2004, terrorists hit a Jewish community center and hotel, leaving a trail of death. You have the European Union - they continue to rate Israel as “the greatest obstacle to peace” in the world. In Vienna, Austria, a Jewish synagogue suffered attacks in the past so that they have to be guarded ‘round the clock by policemen.
Dave: Tom, we were there, and there they are. Why must a synagogue be guarded? I mean, these guys are in flak jackets, they’ve got heavy equipment, and they are patrolling around this synagogue. They don’t have to patrol around Presbyterian churches or Baptist churches or mosques, they don’t have to patrol around Muslim mosques; the Jews are not going to attack them. Tom, when you study it a little bit as I have done, it’s just staggering, absolutely staggering, all over the world. In Japan, we mentioned it in our last program, I think…
Tom: Yeah, this is a stunner.
Dave: …I think less than one percent of the people in Japan have even come in contact with a Jewish person - there’s no Jews over there - and yet best-selling books on the secular market are anti-Semitic.
Tom: One of the outcries was the stock market in Japan fell, you know, and they blamed the Jews for it!
Dave: Right. Tom, the Jews are blamed for everything. They’re… “The International Bankers, they have this plot to take over the world, and so forth,” but go ahead.
Tom: I am going to quote from Abraham Foxman, who is the national director of the Anti-Defamation League. Recently he wrote, “I am convinced that we currently face as great a threat to the safety and security of the Jewish people as the one we faced in the 1930s, if not a greater one.” Now, that would be outrageous, except the facts back him up [as to] what’s going on today throughout the world.
Dave: We give you dozens of quotes, I guess, in the book of Muslim leaders, past and present, who state in the clearest possible language, “We are going to exterminate the Jews. We are going to wipe Israel of the map.” Well, that’s kind of a joke, because no Arab map even shows Israel. They state this over and over and over. Arafat said, “The argument is not about land - how much land they have, how much land we have - it’s about Israel’s existence.” They are determined to annihilate Israel! It’s that simple, Tom. They’ve said it hundreds of times on television, in mosques…you hear it over the loud speakers in the street, and so forth.
Okay, in view of that, then the world keeps saying to Israel, “Oh, make peace. Don’t react like this,” and President Bush has a plan, Roadmap to Peace, all kinds of plans for peace… How are you going to make peace with an enemy that has sworn to exterminate you? It’s like - here’s a man, Tom: he’s got a gun to my head. He says, “Sign over your bank account.”
“Oh okay,” I say.
He says, “I’m going to kill you anyway, but in the meantime, sign over your bank account.” “Well, okay.”
“All right, now sign over your house. I’m going to kill you anyway…”
But that’s the situation over there. It’s ridiculous! It’s incredible! It’s…Tom, and yet the world, the European Union pushes Israel, the United Nations pushes Israel… The United Nations has condemned Israel hundreds of times. There are more than 60 thousand individual votes cast against Israel, condemning Israel - how many against the Arabs? Against the terrorists? Not one!
Tom: Right. Dave, we’re going to talk about the prophecy that says Israel would not be reckoned among the nations, but before we get to that, the thing that’s created for Satan and for all of his minions, both in the flesh and in the spirit, happened in 1948 - it was really the birth of the nation of Israel. Things went berserk after that.
Dave: Of course, as we document in the book, it had always been bad. You have Haj Amin Al Husseini (who was the great uncle of Arafat) who the British put in as the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and he was just causing riots, murder, and we give some shocking examples in the book. And even before Israel became a nation, they’re trying to get rid of the Jews. They hate them. But when Israel became a nation - wow! They were instantly attacked by the regular armies of six Arab nations with tanks and planes, and you’ve got about 600 thousand poorly armed Israeli settlers. They put an army together, 60 thousand in this army, and how well trained are they? The have poor equipment: they don’t have any tanks, they don’t have any planes; they’re up against regular armies of Arab nations who have, in the field, 600 thousand men. So you’ve got ten to one, and the equipment that they have, and so forth, and who won every war…
Let me just remind the listeners, I am not saying that everything that Israel has ever done is right, because they have had some terrorists on their side, as well. For example, the man that shot up the mosque in Hebron, he’s condemned. That was one very rare incident of an Israeli doing anything like that. They teach them - they train them by the hundreds, by the thousands, in fact - and they come against Israel. And these guys, suicide bombers who blew up a bus-load of school children, they name streets after them, they name holidays after them - they are heroes! This is their ticket to Paradise. So there is a big difference.
But let me just remind the listeners: every piece of land that Israel has taken, and they have taken some land… By the way, they’ve given back more than 95 percent. Now, you never had a conqueror who conquered land from an enemy give it back. Never happened in history; you just don’t do that, all right? But every piece of land they’ve taken, they have taken it in self-defense against an enemy that has sworn to exterminate them.
Tom: So, we have 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 - that Israel would overcome incredible odds almost each time…
Dave: Well, every time.
Tom: Yeah, in fulfillment of the prophecy, “In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a torch of fire in a sheaf, and they shall devour all the people round about.”
Dave: Tom, it’s beyond comprehension. You couldn’t have written a story like this. Nobody would believe you, and yet this is what is happening.
Tom: But, Dave, that even creates more hatred, more animosity. “The Arab’s repeated defeat,” you write, “at the hands of Israel is both embarrassing and maddening for them.”
Dave: Yes, it is, and so this is the reason for the rise of fundamentalist Islam in the world, because the imams teach in the mosque, “The reason we’re being defeated is because we have displeased Allah. We have left real Islam. We’re acting like Westerners, dressing like Westerners, going to their movies, and so forth. You were over in Iran when they burned the theater down. You’ve got all this Western influence. We’ve got to get back to real Islam.” And that’s what the Taliban were! You’ve got to dress like Mohammed in the seven century, you’ve got to eat like Mohammed, you’ve got to act like Mohammed, the women have got to put this burka back on and the veil and so forth, and then, when we enforce this upon Muslims everywhere and all Muslims begin to behave in this manner, then and only then will you have the blessing of Allah, and he will help you to defeat these Jews.
Tom: The prophecy is Numbers:23:9For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
See All..., declared that Israel “shall not be reckoned among the nations.”
Dave: Now, Tom, you have so many amazing prophecies all fulfilled in Israel. Well, today, what do they have? I’ve lost track - I think…let’s say 202 nations in the United Nations. Every one of them can take its rotating term on the Security Council except one - I give the listeners three guesses! Israel is the only one that is excluded. The Human Rights Commission - Israel cannot be a member of the Human Rights Commission. They are the only democracy in the Middle East. I think Libya is the current chair. I know that Zimbabwe has been voted in for several terms. Zimbabwe, if you know anything about it, they’ve got one of the worst dictators in the world, murdering white farmers. I was there, and it seemed to be prospering. They were getting along well together, the blacks and the whites. Now they’re killing the white farmers and they’re dividing up their land, giving it to blacks who have come out of the jungle. They have never run a farm, and they are destroying the economy. They can’t make the land produce like it…but the man is a murderer, a criminal, okay? Zimbabwe! Oh, they’re part of the Human Rights Commission, and Cuba, etc., but not Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.
And by the way, in Israel, every session of the Knesset, any Arab can stand up and speak in Arabic. You have Arabic schools. You have freedom. Arabs can be members of the Knesset in Israel, but they can’t be part of the Human Rights Commission. Israel cannot be part of the International Red Cross, and we had a chairman, a woman - Dr. Healey was her name - who said, “That’s not right.” They threw her out! The Americans threw her out. These are just some examples. Israel is not counted among the nations. It’s like they don’t belong, and yet they have been members of the UN for over 50 years.
Tom: The 10 lost tribes.
Dave: Well, that’s a myth. If you went to 2 Chronicles 34, the Passover, the revival under Josiah - this is a hundred years after these 10 tribes were supposedly lost, carried away into Assyria.
Tom: Which is a way of dismissing Israel - that’s the point here.
Dave: Right, they are back. You don’t have to throw the Jews in Hitler’s ovens, you just say they don’t exist anymore. The ten lost tribes is a myth. Remember, Jesus said to His disciples, “You will rule on two thrones…” [laughs] You will rule on 12 thrones over the two tribes of Israel? No, He said, “over the 12 tribes.” They have not been lost, okay? But that’s just another anti-Semitic invention, I guess, of how to do away with Israel.