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Jul 01

God’s Nonnegotiable Gospel—Part Two

Go ye therefore, and [make disciples of] all nations.... Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.
Jun 26

John 2:1-11 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
Jun 25

Get Biblical Understanding #225 - The Heart

MARK 6:51-52 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.
Jun 24

Galatians 1:1-4 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

The message of this treasured epistle is just as clear and convicting today as it was to the early churches of Galatia: We are justified by grace through faith alone - not by works of the law.
Jun 19

Question: Does the Book of Life mean Calvinists are right?

Why does Revelation 17:8 (and maybe Revelation 13:8, depending on the translation used) refer to those “whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world...”?
Jun 18

Get Biblical Understanding #224 - The Heart

MATTHEW 12:34-35 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the...
Jun 17

Galatians 1:1-3 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

The message of this treasured epistle is just as clear and convicting today as it was to the early churches of Galatia: We are justified by grace through faith alone - not by works of the law.
Jun 15

Spanish Newsletter - EL EVANGELIO NO ES NEGOCIABLE - Dave Hunt and Tom Mc Mahon

¿Cuáles son las "buenas noticias" del Evangelio, y de qué nos salva? Para responder a esa pregunta, debemos comenzar en el Jardín, porque fue allí, en el ambiente más perfecto que el corazón de amor de Dios y Su poder creativo pudo haber diseñado,...
Jun 14

Is the Media Offering Misleading Messages? Part 1 - T.A. McMahon with Carl Kerby

In today’s program, Tom welcomes Carl Kerby of the ministry Reasons for Hope. Now, along with his guest, here’s TBC executive director Tom McMahon.
Jun 13

John 1:40-41 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
Jun 12

Question: Must the church be united before Christ can return?

Many are teaching that the church must be united and purified before Christ can return. Is that biblical?
Jun 11

Get Biblical Understanding #223 - The Heart

PSALM 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
Jun 10

Romans 16:7 - 7:27 - A Verse by Verse Study with Greg Durel

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
Jun 07

Is the Watch Tower Society a Cult? (Part 2) with Matt Ferguson

Welcome to Search the Scriptures 24/7, a radio ministry of The Berean Call featuring T.A. McMahon. I’m Gary Carmichael. We’re glad you could join us. In today’s program, Tom welcomes Matt Ferguson, youth pastor at Calvary Chapel here in Bend, Oregon...
Jun 06

John 1:30-41 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
Jun 05

Question: Will Antichrist be resurrected from the dead?

The pain and suffering caused by crime and sickness is bad enough. Christianity, however, creates worse suffering by threatening mankind with hell for having broken God’s laws. An irrational fear of eternal punishment haunts those who come under...
Jun 04

Get Biblical Understanding #222 - The Heart

PROVERBS 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Jun 02

Romans 15:31- 16:6 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
Jun 01

At Home in Rome - The Apostasy

Do we all “love the same Jesus”? Do we need the Catholic Church, the Abrahamic Family House, Rick Warren, the Finishing the Task Coalition, and the Chosen to fulfill the Great Commission?
Jun 01

God’s Nonnegotiable Gospel—Part One

What is the gospel and from what does it save us? We must begin in the Garden. Persuaded by Satan that God had lied to her, and seduced by the appealing promise of godhood, Eve rebelled against her Creator. Not wanting to be separated from his wife...
May 31

Is the Watch Tower Society a Cult? (Part 1) with Matt Ferguson

On our program today, I’ll be having a conversation with Matt Ferguson, and we’ll be discussing a religious cult that most people are aware of because they—well, they seem to show up at everyone’s door. And some weeks ago we addressed the followers...
May 30

John 1:29 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
May 29

Question: Will Antichrist be resurrected from the dead?

The idea that the Antichrist will be resurrected from the dead by Satan seems to be the prevailing opinion among evangelical pre-Trib teachers. I would appreciate an expression of your opinion in a future issue of The Berean Call.
May 28

Get Biblical Understanding #221 - The Heart

1 KINGS 8:39 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;)
May 27

Romans 15:23-30 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
May 24

Was Ancient Man Smarter than We Are Today? (Part 2) with Don Chittick

Welcome to Search the Scriptures 24/7, a radio ministry of The Berean Call, featuring T.A. McMahon. I’m Gary Carmichael, thanks for tuning in. In today’s program, Tom continues his visit with Dr. Don Chittick, author and speaker on the topic of...
May 23

John 1:29 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
May 22

Question: Aren't you making the gospel too complicated for Catholics?

It is the Roman Catholic Church that has complicated the gospel. Anyone who truly believes the simple gospel that Paul declared (“that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day...
May 21

Get Biblical Understanding #220 - The Heart

This is number 220 in our series of “Get Biblical Understanding.” In this session we’re reading many but certainly not all of the biblical verses that have to do with The Heart.
May 19

Romans 15:22 - A Verse by Verse Study with Greg Durel

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
May 17

Was Ancient Man Smarter than We Are Today? (Part 1) with Don Chittick

My guest today is Dr. Don Chittick. Don’s doctorate is in physical chemistry. He’s an author and a speaker on the topic of origins and earth history. Don, welcome to Search the Scriptures 24/7!
May 16

John 1:24-28 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
May 15

Question: Was Eve made in God's image, too?

In the September 2004 Q&A, you responded to criticism of your claim that Adam was the only one created in God’s image. Could you please clarify this: 1) Are you saying that Eve was not created in God’s image; 2) How do you explain 1 Corinthians 11:7...
May 14

Get Biblical Understanding #219 - The Heart

​Exodus 4:21 And the Lord said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.
May 12

Romans 15:20-21 - A Verse by Verse Study with Greg Durel

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
May 10

How Can Students Stay True to Christ in College? (Part 2) with Emily Rand

Today we’re going to be picking up where we left off in an interview with a young lady who’s involved in Christian ministry at the college level. Her name is Emily Rand, and she’s a part of the leadership of CCF, which is the Collegiate Christian...
May 09

John 1:18-23 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
May 08

Question: Are Old Testament saints part of the Rapture?

Question: We have a rare difference of opinion concerning your assertion that Old Testament saints are a part of the Church resurrected at the time of the Rapture. Certainly, they are saved by faith alone in the shed blood of Christ….
May 07

Get Biblical Understanding #218 - A Godly Deterrent

REVELATION 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
May 05

Romans 15:14-19 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
May 03

How Can Students Stay True to Christ in College? (Part 1) with Emily Rand

Today and next week, I’ll be interviewing a young lady who’s involved in Christian ministry at the college level. Her name is Emily Rand, and she’s a part of the leadership of CCF, Collegiate Christian Fellowship, which is a ministry of First...
May 02

John 1:15 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
May 01

Question: Should Christians "take back the land"?

Increasingly I’m hearing the “call to take back our land.” For example, on September 2, [2000], there was a large gathering in Washington, DC called “The Call DC.” It was advertised as follows: “THE SUMMONS IS OUT. MULTITUDES HAVE HEARD THE CALL TO...
May 01

Is Punishment Eternal? (Reprint)

There is a growing movement among professing Christians towards universalism: the belief that everyone will finally be saved. One can empathize with those who hold this opinion. Eternity is forever. No matter how just the penalty, endless punishment...
Apr 30

Get Biblical Understanding #217 - A Godly Deterrent

1 CORINTHIANS 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon who the ends of the world are come.
Apr 28

Romans 15:8-13 - A Verse by Verse Study with Mike Gendron

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him.
Apr 27

The Christian's Hope

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, centuries-old prophecies are today's headlines. Is the world on the verge of receiving a new savior who will lead an unsuspecting global community to destruction—or is the Antichrist merely an outdated bit of biblical...
Apr 26

Are "Spiritual" Practices Still Being Taught in the Church? (Part 2)...

Today we’ll be…well, we’re in our second session with Mark Dinsmore, who’s on staff here at The Berean Call. I wanted to call him our guest, but, no, he’s my discussion partner because I see him all the time. Well, now he’s moved to Washington with...
Apr 25

John 1:11-14 - A Verse by Verse Study with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon

Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the...
Apr 24

If God uses trials to test our faith, then He is a "child abuser"

The Bible is literally filled from beginning to end with the thrilling testimonies of those whose faith our gracious Lord strengthened through many trials. Perhaps today’s church’s neglect of that part of Scripture has contributed to a warped view...