We are continuing with our travels through the gospel of John and again, we have selected this to take—really a lot of time on, Dave, we’ve been on this for months because it is the one place in the scriptures that the gospel of salvation appears over and over and over again. And, for those who have not started reading the Bible, which we encourage all to do. It’s God’s Word, hey, can’t do any better than that. But if you have never started we want you to begin with the Gospel of John. Dave, we are in chapter 7 and we will pick up with verse 13. “Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” Now, to back up a little bit, Jesus had just had a discussion with his brothers, half brothers, and they were going up to the feast and he was going to come a little later.
Which they didn’t know. And he came up secretly and the people are wondering, where is he?But they were whispering because they don’t want to talk about him openly for fear of the Jews, and Jews, of course, means the religious authorities, because they were out to get him. There was a price on his head and you don’t want to be identified with him—interesting.
Dave, it’s also interesting that the Jewish leaders were in fear of Jesus to some degree and because of the people. On the other hand, many of the people were in fear of the leadership. Maybe that’s the way we all are to some degree, fear of men.
“The fear of man brings a snare,” the scripture says.
Verse 14, “Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught, And the Jews marveled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” Now, he didn’t go through the—he didn’t become a scribe, he wasn’t sitting at the feet of Gamaliel or the other teachers, but he had an understanding and he spoke with authority.
Yes, when he was 12 years old he was sitting in the temple asking the rabbis, the Pharisee’s questions and listening to them and giving them answers that they didn’t have. But he didn’t have to go to school to learn this; He said he learned it of his Father. Of course, this is Jesus speaking as a man and we cannot separate his manhood from his deity and God became a man. He is truly God and truly man, but that’s difficult for us to understand, but he has wisdom and an authority that they don’t have, they had never heard.
Picking up with verse 16, “Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.” Now, this next verse 17—you know there are some verses here in the gospel of John that I just love, I mean, they just knock you right out of your chair. Verse 17, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”If any man will—that do his will.
It really means—well, he wills to do God’s will. It tells us that man does have a will. We don’t want to get into that again, the whole Calvinist thing and Martin Luther’s bondage of the will and the denial that man has a will, but—
We have some programs down the line when your book comes out. I’m sure we will spend a lot of time on that.
Yeah, but here, it very clearly indicates that man has a will. Now he is not just talking to Christians, he’s not just talking to believers, he says, “If any man—you will to do God’s will, you will know.” Now, that’s very similar to the promise in the Old Testament where God says, “You will seek for me and find me, if you seek for me with all your heart.” Isaiah 55, God says, “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous his thoughts and let him turn unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him. To our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” So, Jesus is being criticized because he doesn’t have their degrees, didn’t go to their schools and Tom, I am with you on verse 17, one of my favorite verses in all of scripture. Jesus says, “Anyone who is willing to do God’s will, will know.” People say like this lady that we read her statements about the Bible, there are a lot of people who claim that they are seeking for God, searching for God, searching for truth and so forth. Well, if they have not found God, I can say on the authority of the Word of God that they weren’t really sincere. They were seeking a God that would appeal to them. This is this lady—she had her own ideas of what God should say and therefore, she didn’t like some of what the Bible said and therefore, she threw that out. But the Bible is very clear—anyone who really wants to know the true God because they want to do his will, not just intellectual curiosity—well, if you are there, you know, let me hear you in an audible voice. No, someone who really wants to know the true God, because they want to do his will, they want to be what he created them to be, they want to experience his purpose and life that he has for them, God says, “You will find me—I will reveal myself to you, I can’t reveal myself to you if you don’t really want to know me.” And the Bible can’t speak to a person’s heart who does not want to hear what the Bible says. So, when we come to the Bible, we come to the Bible with an open heart. We don’t come to the Bible criticizing it and judging it by our standards, then we become the authority. No, the Bible has to be the authority over us. And so, Jesus very clearly says, “You want to know whether what I am saying is true? You want to know whether what I am saying is really from God? Well, if you are willing to do God’s will, you will know, he will reveal it to you.”
Dave, let me give you another application of that verse. As you know, in our staff meetings we go through the scriptures. We have prayer time and a little Bible study and we are going through the epistles—
Each morning.
Yes, and we are going through the epistles and you’re reading the epistles. Right now we are in Ephesians and you are reading there and you think, what does God have in mind for us, what’s God’s will? Verse after verse the scriptures are telling us how we are to act, what we are to do, how we are to be kind to one another, how we are to treat each other, how we are to deal with situations and issues and so on. Now the obligation for us, we can read that until we are blue in the face, but if we are willing to do what God’s Word says, we’ll find things like joy, peace, love, the fruit of the spirit; we will find the things that please God and so on, but we have to be willing.
Now, that’s what Jesus is saying and again, he says, “Whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself,” that’s the end of verse 17. Well, is this God’s Word, or are we the interpreters? Peter says, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.” We need pastors in pulpits who speak as the oracles of God. We need evangelists on radio and television who speak as the oracles of God.
Dave, you’ve got to define that for us because I know there are people out there saying, well, my pastor, he gets a word from the Lord every Sunday—the Word. I don’t want to get side-tracked here.
Well, is this someone’s opinion, is this some vision or some idea someone got from their own heart? You could go back to Jeremiah:13:14And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.
See All..., where he says, “The prophets speak from their own mind, their own imagination. I haven’t spoken to them.” Now, we know that God has spoken in his Word. Let’s stick to the Bible.
These are the oracles you referred to.
Right. Let’s stick to God’s Word. Let us stand alone upon God’s Word. Let God be true and every man a liar and let’s not make it up as we go along. Let’s not try to come up with some new revelation which some pastors are trying to do, but let us take the plain teaching of God’s Word and let’s stick with it and let’s present it in the power of the Holy Spirit, but from the Word of God. This is what Peter is talking about and Jesus said, even Jesus is saying, “I’m not speaking from myself,” from my own initiative, my own authority, “but I am speaking from the Father.” And Tom, I’m speaking to my own heart now, let the Lord speak to me. We need to be very careful that we stick to the Word of God and that what God says is what we echo.