Why do I feel all the true men of God are leaving? | thebereancall.org

Why do I feel all the true men of God are leaving?

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So many in this late hour are being called home. A generation of Godly men that had large pulpits are less and less and replaced by what? They are replaced by falsehood. Truly there is only a remnant left that are established and sit before the throne waiting. Being kept by their Savior and Lord. These little groups or one here and one there are in some cases shepherdless. They are led by the spirit and groan at the darkness around. It is so dark an hour. A darkness that can be felt. I am so happy for Dave to be home now. A new body free from aches and pain and he is very "big" now. Big enough to enjoy the fullness of the glory of Jesus. I can see Dave with tears of joy as he met his Beloved. Like Solomon said "I never imagined". With the biggest kids smile he ran to worship and enjoy praising he who kept him. He did not want to stop as the purest pleasure ran through him. Even with his bigness he was overwhelmed with the goodness of His Lord as never seen before. Then Dave responded... On earth I knew in part but now I know as I was known. So little I knew upon earth as I see now in such fullness your love.