When the Lord drew me out of the Catholic church I went to a Christian bookshop and as I walked around the bookstore I asked the Lord to select a book to read. I was drawn to "A Woman Rides the Beast". I had read a book and listened to a tape by Dave before so knew his name but not the contents of the book. Only once I started reading the book did I realise it was a history of the Catholic church and confirmed what people had been telling me about the Catholic church. I knew then the Lord never wanted me back in that church and that the Lord had pulled me out of that religious monstrosity. I have read many books by Dave since and have had the monthly newsletter for the past 20 years. He definitely was a man of God who had a deep love for the Lord and God gave him the knowledge and desire to inform all of us of not only the Bible but of all the religions out there. I still access through the web issues that have come from the Berean Call and use then in arguments with fellow Christians luke-warm in the faith and unbelievers. Thank you Dave, you were a blessing. See you in heaven some day soon.