A wonderful brother, teacher and conversant who I look forward to meeting again. | thebereancall.org

A wonderful brother, teacher and conversant who I look forward to meeting again.

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I was saved by Jesus in 2003. One of the first great people God used to disciple me through books and such was Dave Hunt. The first book I read was Occult Invasion. I have since picked up almost all of Dave's entire back catalog and read most of it. I had the privilege to talk with him when I met him in 2006 and again in 2007 at prophecy conferences. He was a wonderful and humble man willing to take time out of his busy day to answer questions of mine. He listened and didn't cut me off in my questions and gave thought provoking responses. It was enlightening to see how God could use Dave to show me how I should look the older I get in my walk with God. As Paul said we should only follow him to the extent that he followed Christ, in my lifetime I can say the same about Dave, having read his works and met him. He was a wonderful apologist, conversationalist, teacher, and discernment minister that I can say was truly a blessing to me and I thank God for him and his stances on the Bible and getting Tom McMahon to carry on the Berean Call. My prayers are with the Hunt family and I look forward to seeing my brother in the future.
