During 1991 my late wife and I were at Word of Life, Schroon Lake for a week; Dave Hunt was the featured speaker. One day we invited Brother Dave for lunch in our Blue Bird motor-home and I felt extremely honoured to have my favourite apologetic author on board. I couldn't wait to hear about the latest book version of "Seduction of Christianity." Imagine my surprise and delight when Dave, who hardly ate, launched into the synopsis for a new novel all about Israel, based on a particular visit when Mr. Hunt was moved deep in his spirit to write an end time book concerning the ultimate fate of the Jewish people. If I remember it correctly, the hero was a secular Jew who came to faith in his Jewish Messiah during the course of this fast-paced book, showing that He watches over Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps. Now, Dave Hunt has all of the answers to the Time of Jacob's Trouble!