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Title Source Post date Author
"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News TBC Today Mar 2007 TBC Staff
TBC Notes - Whatever Pans Out?? tbc notes Aug 2011 McMahon, T.A.
Can Psychology Be Christian? Search the Scriptures 24/7 Jan 2018 Dave Hunt/T. A. McMahon
Where Is The Ark Of The Covenant? contending for the faith Feb 2007 Hunt & McMahon
Blenders TBC Today Feb 2006 TBC Staff
Must a Christian Believe in a Triune God? contending for the faith May 2000 Hunt & McMahon
Islam And The Gospel - Audio Newsletter newsletter Apr 1999 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2012 Hunt, Dave
Is God Seeking Vengeance on Mankind? contending for the faith Apr 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Branham TBC Today Nov 2006 TBC Staff
Question: The Bible clearly says, “broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat” (Mt 7:13). How has God “won” if there are more souls in hell than in heaven?” question and answer Apr 2003 TBC Staff
TBC NewsWatch news alert Jan 2012 Various
Yoga at the 'Y'...Why Not? contending for the faith Aug 1999 Hunt & McMahon
Question: I’ve heard it said that 2 Peter 3:10-12 gives proof that the Bible is scientifically infallible, contrary to what the Roman Catholic Church teaches. All I want to know is how those verses give that proof. question and answer Aug 2004 TBC Staff
Rooting Predators From the Church religion in the news Apr 2002 Hunt & McMahon
How Do You Ask Jesus Into Your Heart? contending for the faith Aug 2009
Are You Best Friends With God? cover article Jan 2005 Hunt & McMahon
I Feel Pretty TBC Today Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Transgender Student Housing religion in the news Jul 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Prophecy #49 TBC Today Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Is "The Shemitah" a Sham? with Greg Sheryl (Part 1) Search the Scriptures 24/7 May 2015 McMahon, T.A.
Is Worship Just Too Casual? contending for the faith Oct 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Question: James White, on his Alpha & Omega Ministries web page, said that you had “repeatedly agreed in the past” to a “live debate” with him but have gone back on your word and now refuse. What do you have to say? question and answer Jan 2005 TBC Staff
The Upcoming Psychologized Generation - Audio Newsletter newsletter Nov 2012 TBC Staff
New Study Exposes Mother Teresa's Humanitarian Myth TBC Today Apr 2013 TBC Staff - EN
E G White TBC Today Mar 2006 TBC Staff
Not Going to Church by the Thousands religion in the news Feb 2006 Hunt & McMahon
TBC NewsWatch news alert Feb 2012 Various
Prophecy #46 TBC Today Jun 2003 TBC Staff
Question: Several scriptures lead me to believe that after we are in the New Jerusalem with our Lord, there is still evil elsewhere....Please explain. question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
