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Title Source Post date Author
Question: I’ve just received a copy of Texe Marrs’ newsletter that accuses you of “strongly defend[ing] the grotesque, new Bible versions”.... What is your response to these charges? question and answer Sep 1994 TBC Staff
Question: From Paul’s delineation of the gospel, one need only believe that “Christ died for our sins...was buried, and rose again” (1 Cor 15:1-4). say must believe in His virgin birth, His deity [etc.] How can you justify this? question and answer Jun 2003 TBC Staff
The Theft of Hope - The Emerging Church and Missions tbc extra Nov 2008 Newby, Ed
Question: What information can you give me about the theory that Christianity copied the "messianic" characteristics of the Egyptian God Horus to create Jesus? question and answer Jun 2009 TBC Staff
Young Moon Meets Untimely Death religion in the news Feb 2009
Christ Died For Our Sins - Audio Newsletter newsletter Jun 2004 TBC Staff
Camp Atheist TBC Today Aug 2006 TBC Staff
Appeasement TBC Today Apr 2006 TBC Staff
Growing churches TBC Today Aug 2003 TBC Staff
Question: I am reading Chuck Colson’s latest book, The Body, and am greatly disappointed in Chuck for including the Roman Catholic Church as a part of the body of Christ that we are to embrace in his call for unity. . . . Would you comment...? question and answer Apr 1993 Hunt, Dave
Is it a Jackal or a Wolf TBC Today Mar 2011 TBC Staff
When the world goes down, look up! TBC Today Jul 2009 TBC Staff
Why Is Jesus Coming Back? Search the Scriptures 24/7 Aug 2019 Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon
Question: Doctors tell me that I have cancer and only 2 months to live. I am only 45 years old and know nothing about God. Is Muhammad alive and can I trust him and pray to him? Is Jesus alive and can I appeal to Him? How can I go to heaven? question and answer Oct 2004 TBC Staff
Challenging the UN's darker side TBC Today Sep 2007 TBC Staff
Did Jesus Exist Before the World? understanding the scriptures Jan 2004 Hunt & McMahon
Why Aren't Dave and Tom Depressed? contending for the faith Jan 2001 Hunt & McMahon
Question: In your December article you stepped out beyond your depth by dealing with a subject on which you are not an expert. I suggest that you stick to the exposition of Scripture and avoid areas peripheral to the purpose of The Berean Call.... question and answer Feb 1997 TBC Staff
Question: [In] the September 2002 Berean had to add to the Word of make your point. To Daniel 9:27 you added the words, “breaking the covenant,” and this concept is in no way found in the original text.... question and answer Jan 2003 TBC Staff
Christian Doctrine Speeds Destruction of Artifacts TBC Today Dec 2007 TBC Staff
Today's Cutting Edge Christianity religion in the news Jun 2004 Hunt & McMahon
The Gays And The Anglicans religion in the news Mar 2007 Hunt & McMahon
TBC Notes - A Personal Thank You tbc notes Jun 2006 McMahon, T.A.
Is It Okay to Heal on the Sabbath? understanding the scriptures Jun 2001 Hunt & McMahon
Psychology Is Vulgar TBC Today Jun 2003 TBC Staff
Are You a Creationolutionist? with Jay Seegert, Part 1 Search the Scriptures 24/7 Apr 2017 McMahon, Tom, Seegert, Jay
Imaginary Evidence For Evolution TBC Today Jan 2010 TBC Staff
Stand for Truth TBC Today Nov 2006 TBC Staff
More Video Violence Against Women TBC Today Nov 2009 TBC Staff
Christianity Growing and Under Siege TBC Today Jun 2011 TBC Staff
