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Title Source Post date Author
Publisher Expands Into Shrinking Business religion in the news Feb 2009
Children Are Born Believers in God TBC Today May 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Perfect Harmony of the Gospels TBC Today Oct 2009 TBC Staff
Atheists: "Ditch 'So Help Me God'" in Oath TBC Today Dec 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Benedict's Quest to Bring Christians Back Together TBC Today Jun 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Question: This may sound like a strange question, but what can you tell me about a low-profile, nameless religious group which hold its meetings in members’ homes and rented halls? The ministers are pairs of homeless itinerants known as “workers.” question and answer Oct 1993 TBC Staff
Flocking to other Christianities TBC Today May 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Quotable quotable Apr 1989 Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
Baby look at you now TBC Today Jan 2004 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable May 2005 Various
No Hebrew please...this is Europe TBC Today Jan 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Russian Orthodox Church Sold Its Soul to Putin TBC Today Jun 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Handling the Sword TBC Today Nov 2009 TBC Staff
Recognizing Ex-Gays as a Protected Class TBC Today May 2010 TBC Staff
Question: What about the popular idea that we must "plead the blood" over a situation or one's home, room by room? question and answer Jul 2008 TBC Staff
Dave & Tom Classic - Do We Need to Study All Religions to Find the Truth? (Part 2) Search the Scriptures 24/7 Sep 2014 Hunt & McMahon
TBC Notes - Our Privilege and Delight tbc notes Mar 2008 McMahon, T.A.
Token Respect TBC Today Mar 2009 TBC Staff
Question: [In Countdown to Eternity, referring to Daniel 12:4,] you presented the view of travel and human knowledge exploding in the last days. But when I studied it I find that is not what that verse is saying at all! ... question and answer Sep 1999 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Dec 2004 Various
Dead Talkers TBC Today Feb 2003 TBC Staff
Question: In your June ’95 issue you mentioned a dying girl named Michelle....You said that [Jesus paid the full penalty for her sins on the cross]…. In fact, Christ did not pay the penalty for her sin, but only for the sins of His people. question and answer Sep 1995 TBC Staff
Question: [Will you] clarify your position [on contemporary Christian music and worship traditions]? question and answer Mar 2001 TBC Staff
US Military to Embrace Eastern Religion TBC Today Feb 2013 TBC Staff - EN
New Bible Translation Has Screenplay Format TBC Today Aug 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Question: You claim that Christ became a man to pay the penalty His justice—demanded for our sins. Why would He have to become a man? Why would God go to all that trouble, when as God He could have just forgiven us? question and answer Jul 2004 TBC Staff
Edom TBC Today Aug 2006 TBC Staff
May the Spirit Be Upon Us TBC Today Mar 2009 TBC Staff
Religion May Become Extinct in Nine Nations TBC Today Apr 2011 TBC Staff
Tax-Supported Harems In England religion in the news Dec 2006 Hunt & McMahon
