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Title Source Post date Author
My order has not arrived! Online Store May 2007 TBC Staff
Is Irresistible Grace Another Gospel? contending for the faith Nov 2001 Hunt & McMahon
Question: You have exposed several modern translations that are corruptions of the Word of God. Is The Berean Call KJV-only? question and answer Sep 2013 TBC Staff
What's Wrong With Candles, Incense, and Icons? cover article Dec 2007 Hunt & McMahon
Was Palm Sunday a Fulfillment of Prophecy? understanding the scriptures Jan 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Is The Emerging Church Authentic Christianity? cover article Nov 2007 Hunt & McMahon
Blood Moon Madness TBC Today Feb 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Question: A friend belongs to the United Pentecostal Church and believes in "Jesus only," rejecting the Trinity. Isn't that blasphemy [of the Holy Spirit]? Could United Pentecostals be Christians? How could they even believe in the true God? question and answer Dec 2006 TBC Staff
Anti-Fundamentals TBC Today Sep 2007 TBC Staff
Question: I was shocked by [Brennan Manning's book] The Signature of Jesus. My impression is that he is a Catholic mystic in evangelical “wool.” Is he trying to pull that wool over our eyes or what? question and answer Mar 2000 TBC Staff
Question: Dave, [you don't] understand Romans 4:16, It is by faith that it might be by grace.” My friend and mentor,...I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your work...but you are mistaken about Calvinism. Please allow me to help you a bit.... question and answer Mar 2004 TBC Staff
When Will Armageddon Take Place? contending for the faith Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Has Bethel Church Been Upgraded? with Rod Page, part 1 Search the Scriptures 24/7 Jan 2017 McMahon, T.A., Rod Page
Did Solomon Have the Wisdom of God? cover article Feb 2002 Hunt & McMahon
False Peace, Then Destruction Dave Hunt Classic May 2011 Hunt, Dave
Dwight L. Moody on Masonry TBC Today Aug 2007 TBC Staff
How Did Jesus' Fame Spread So Fast? understanding the scriptures Aug 2008 Hunt & McMahon
Question: With the pope’s suddenly stepping down, what’s Mr. Hunt’s view on the St. Malachy prophecy as it relates to Bible prophecy and Revelation 13, 17, and the false prophet being the pope? question and answer Apr 2013 TBC Staff
Non-spiritual Yoga religion in the news Feb 2007 Hunt & McMahon
Should You Invite Cult Members Into Your House? contending for the faith May 2002 Hunt & McMahon
Knowing What We Believe & Why feature article Aug 1991 Hunt, Dave
Bogus Beliefs TBC Today Apr 2007 TBC Staff
Question: To say dogmatically that God did not send the earthquake to Japan, Haiti, and elsewhere... question and answer May 2011 TBC Staff
The Finality of the Cross feature article Dec 2014 Hunt, Dave
Quick Reference Guide: Catholicism vs. The Bible tbc extra Apr 2013 McCarthy, James G.
Are Dave and Tom Closet Calvinists? contending for the faith Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Seven Marks of a False Teacher TBC Today Jul 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Why Are So Many Attracted to the Emerging Church? contending for the faith May 2008 Hunt & McMahon
Women of the Faith feature article Jul 2000 McMahon, T.A.
Is Jerusalem a Muslim Holy Place? cover article Oct 2005 Hunt & McMahon
