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Title Source Post date Author
On my honor.... TBC Today Nov 2003 TBC Staff
# 9 - LOVE: THE CENTERPIECE OF CHRISTIANITY (continued) Get Biblical Understanding Jul 2020 TBC Staff
Explaining Too Much TBC Today Nov 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Lying for the Lord TBC Today Aug 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Letters letters Mar 2016 Various
Question: The word “Allah” as used in your September 1993 issue is not correct.... question and answer Oct 1994 TBC Staff
Peer-Reviewed Article Endorses Irreducible Complexity TBC Today Jul 2012 TBC Staff - EN
Novel Christ TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Photo of Dave and Ruth Hunt TBC Today Feb 2015 TBC Staff
Media Fear TBC Today Jun 2005 TBC Staff
Question: Where does it specifically say in the Bible that individuals should not have sex before marriage, especially given the biblical examples of men having multiple wives, concubines, etc., going clear back to Abraham and even through King David... question and answer Jun 2016 TBC Staff
Little girls... TBC Today Jan 2004 TBC Staff
TBC Notes - Ephesians 4:17-18 tbc notes Dec 2005 McMahon, T.A.
Roots of Terror TBC Today Sep 2003 TBC Staff
What Have the Wise Men Wrought? TBC Today Dec 2011 TBC Staff
Evolution by Faith TBC Today Jun 2011 TBC Staff
Question: I’ve been noticing a trend in my church. More and more, the time designated as “worship” is being taken up by repetitive choruses with little content that would actually promote worship....Am I being too critical? question and answer Jul 2002 TBC Staff
Question: I have heard Dave Hunt say on a few occasions that all babies and children are saved. Now, I do not dispute this, but could you show me some Scripture that would back that statement? question and answer Sep 1996 TBC Staff
Argentinean Actor Juan Pablo Di Pace Cast as Jesus in 'The Bible' Sequel 'A.D.' TBC Today Dec 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Quotable quotable Aug 1992 Tozer, A W
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt TBC Today May 2015 Hunt, Dave
TBC Notes - Spring Cleaning tbc notes Apr 2005 McMahon, T.A.
Let's All Just Die TBC Today Jun 2008 TBC Staff
The Holy Bible is right: International study shows water came from beneath the Earth TBC Today Jan 2016 TBC Staff - EN
Letters letters May 2015 Various
Question: Concerning your November 1992 article, I hope you will be big enough to admit your error. “By His stripes ye were healed” does indeed refer to physical healing.... question and answer Apr 1993 Hunt, Dave
London "Modesty Patrol" Stalking Streets of London TBC Today Apr 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Hollywood Hypocrisy TBC Today Mar 2003 TBC Staff
Male/Female/or Other TBC Today Jun 2003 TBC Staff
Letters letters Feb 2005 TBC Staff
