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Title Source Post date Author
Question: I am confused by an ongoing debate between two brothers in my Bible study. The issue is the “eternal security” of the believer vs. the possibility that one could “fall away.” What is your perspective? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
The Age of the Earth — Does it Really Matter? - Part One tbc extra Aug 2014 Seegert, Jay
The Late Great Rapture Theory? Dave Hunt Classic Dec 2014 Hunt, Dave
Apollyon Rising—A Critique TBC Today Aug 2013 TBC Staff - EN
8 Symptoms of False Teaching tbc extra Jun 2013 Ryle, J.C.
1.4% of Adults Homosexual? TBC Today Jul 2007 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Jul 2007 Law, William
Why did Saul Make Havoc of the Church? understanding the scriptures Aug 2005 Hunt & McMahon
“Mysteries” in the Church: Occult Subversion of Church & Nation tbc extra Jun 2013 Dager, Albert James
Are We All Guilty of Original Sin? contending for the faith Jun 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Question: Are you familiar with the book The Girl Who Could Fly? question and answer Jun 2011 TBC Staff
Is Psychology Of God Or Of Satan? cover article Feb 2007 Hunt & McMahon
T.A. McMahon & Thomas Ice (Part 1) Search the Scriptures 24/7 Dec 2014 McMahon, T.A., Ice, Thomas
How Do We Know the Bible Is All God's Word? cover article Mar 2002 Hunt & McMahon
Question: If not The Secret, then what books do you recommend to get people out of their self-fulfilling prophecy... question and answer Sep 2011 TBC Staff
What Could Be Wrong With a National Prayer Breakfast? cover article May 2002 McMahon, T.A., Dave Hunt
Why Was Jesus Born of a Virgin? understanding the scriptures Mar 2008 Hunt & McMahon
The Harbinger - A Matter of Critical Discernment - Audio Newsletter newsletter Jun 2012 TBC Staff
Do We Violate Matthew 18? contending for the faith May 1999 Hunt & McMahon
Quotable quotable Oct 2006 Various
Did Paul Preach That All Gods Are The Same? contending for the faith Aug 2002 Hunt & McMahon
What If You've Never Heard of Jesus? contending for the faith May 2009 Hunt & McMahon
Seeking & Finding God-Part 5...Do We Get Another Chance At Life? cover article May 2008 Hunt & McMahon
Brennan Manning Reminder TBC Today Feb 2011 TBC Staff
January 2008 Printable Newsletter newsletter Jan 2008 TBC Staff
Statement on Calvinism Draws Approval, Criticism TBC Today Jun 2012 TBC Staff - EN
A Real 'Whopper' from Burger King religion in the news Nov 2001 Hunt & McMahon
Did Jesus Die For All of Us, or Just a Select Few? contending for the faith Sep 2000 Hunt & McMahon
Question: I wonder whether Jehoiachin might have repented to the Lord while he was in prison....I don't think that God would have given him this throne if he had not repented—would He? question and answer May 2006 TBC Staff
How Do We Know If We're in the Last Days? cover article Mar 2004 Hunt & McMahon
