"In the World Ye Shall Have Tribulation..."
For those who are not aware of some incidents that shook us a bit here at TBC, it started with some bad news for Dave and me. We were told on the same day that we had cancer: his was in his prostate and mine in my colon. That was the initial report. Yet by God's mercy, the news got better. Dave's cancer was caught at an early stage and would be treated without surgery. My treatment, however, would require major surgery to remove a large tumor. Initial encouraging news came when tests indicated that it might be benign, although that was doubted by my surgeon's and oncologist's extensive experience with such a tumor.
Dave's procedure went well but was not without some continuing struggles. He is also undergoing a slow recovery from a second hip replacement that has compounded his difficulties. Nevertheless, with the help of the Lord, he is making slow but sure progress.
My surgery was very successful; moreover, a complete biopsy proved the tumor to be cancer free. I am deeply grateful for the Lord's continuing mercies. Although my recovery has hit a few bumps in the road, I'm hopeful that I'll be back at my desk by the time you read this in July. The goal is to be strengthened daily for a second surgery this fall to complete the reconstructive process.
Thank you, one and all, for your prayers regarding these health issues, and please pray also that Dave and I, by God's grace, may continue to be fruitful and productive through the ministry of The Berean Call.
T.A. McMahon
Executive Director