A report and comment on religious trends and events being covered by the media. This week’s item is from World Net Daily, December 17, 2001 with the headline:“The Feds psychic spies.” Prudence Calabrese may not be a soldier in the regular sense of the word, but the FBI and CIA are reportedly hoping her psychic warriors can help prevent future terrorist attacks.Calabrese’s company, Trans Dimensional Systems employs 14 remote viewers and says the government has contracted with her to bolster the agency’s more traditional investigative methods.Remote viewers claim to be able to visualize events occurring in distant places by using higher or paranormal powers they say are inherent in all humans.Remote viewing involves a receiver who visualizes a particular object anywhere in the world, and with the help of a monitor describes that item and its perceived location.That information is said to be useful in then determining the actual location of the item.The US government has a long history of promoting and funding paranormal operations in such programs as the Stargate Project.Asked why STAR GATE was terminated, Calabrese offered this take: “Stargate was just one name given to the government was involved in.In previous incarnations it was called among other things, GRILL FLAME, and SCANATE.The overall remote viewing program was disbanded in 1995.At this time, many of the current members of the current unit were reaching retirement age so there was a danger of this method leaking out which could be potentially dangerous for the government.In response to these circumstances, the CIA released a paper called the AIR or Air report by Edwin C. May, PhD which explained that though there was an observable phenomenon, it was not reliable enough to continue using in intelligence work.The bottom line,” said Calabrese “is that the government intelligence agencies know it is a cheap and effective intelligence tool and they at the very least can back it up with intelligence gained in the field by conventional means.At this moment in history it is important to use every tool to combat the terror threat.I think that many in law enforcement and investigation are now willing where they were not before September 11th, to leave no investigative stone unturned.”
Dave I picked this for “Religion in the News” because this really is religion.This is occultism, this is divination.Our listeners just have to turn to Isaiah 47 to see that Babylon, ancient Babylon, they were into all of this stuff.They didn’t call it remote viewing, but they tried to use every other thing with regard to sorcery, enchantments, divination, whatever they could, to know the future.To know what was going on out there.
Yes, absolutely forbidden.We dealt with some occultism in Seduction of Christianity I went into it in far more detail in Occult Invasion. We talked about remote viewers and so forth.Now I know what the skeptics say, but the fact is that SRI and their scientists have some remarkable documentation.
Yes, this is Stanford Research Institute which was just off campus, but an organization that had some of the top scientists around.
But the fact is Tom, that—I mean I have read the data.Not only SRI, but others as well have demonstrated.Now there are kooks and furthermore, no one has these powers.See the idea here is that this is a natural power innate within all human beings and in fact it is a demonic power that Satan, who promised Eve that she could become like the gods, he’s got to give man these powers.He can only do it as God allows him to do it and as a person gives themselves totally to him.There are errors and so forth, but Tom on some of the data that I’ve read, some of the drawings that these people have made of the object in the test are so accurate and the location and so forth.Now there are further rumors and we can’t document these things because this is intelligence, it is secret, but I have no reason to disbelieve that remote viewers were used in Iraq from the United States scanning Iraq and that was one of the reasons why persisted.We knew that Saddam Hussein had these things there.We were convinced of it.The CIA has even used psychics for séances to contact the spirits of the dead agents that the Soviets captured to find out how they did it and so forth.This is something that parapsychologists have been investigating the Association for Humanistic Psychology as you know has been involved in this for many years.Now there must be something going on Tom, or they wouldn’t persist in this.
Well let’s get to the bottom line of it from our perspective.You said earlier this is demonic.There are powers out there Satan has to offer and the problem here is there is never a consistency.This is why they get excited about some things that work out and all of a sudden it doesn’t seem to be working.Well that’s the way Satan works.And as you said, if God wants to intervene and shut these things down—Dave, going back to Isaiah 47, he challenges the people.They were into this bigger than maybe we are today, although there’s certainly a lot going on.But God challenges them, yes, go ahead, try and use this stuff.See how it works.See if it will deliver you from what’s to come upon you.And of course it won’t.But nevertheless, it’s attractive.
The whole idea is that it’s a delusion that man has god-like powers and he doesn’t need salvation.The whole purpose of this from Satan’s standpoint is to cause man to believe that he is a little god, that he does have these powers, ultimately he can control his destiny and he’s not a sinner.He can sin, what does that matter?What does it matter?God’s judgment, how can God judge people who are gods?We can control the elements, we can move metal with our mind, and we can do whatever we want.
We can know the future.
Yes, so this—the goal of this is to produce in man a belief that is the exact opposite of what we talked about in our last segment.
Yes, but consistent with Satan’s lies given to Eve in the Garden of Eden.