Muslims loving Hitler and Jewish genocide on Facebook
[Muslim entry on Facebook: “Back to Album – We want to be like Prophet Mohammad” -- Followed by a prominent picture of Adolph Hitler titled: “Yes man, you were right…Share this picture to tell the truth (to) a whole world.”]
Counter-jihadists are frequently accused of being in league with neo-Nazis and with echoing their sentiments. This is one of the most cynical elements in the Islamic supremacists' propaganda arsenal, since in reality neo-Nazis generally support the jihad, and Hitler and his genocide are wildly popular in countries like Turkey and Egypt, where Mein Kampf is a perennial bestseller. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin during the war, raised up a Muslim division for the Waffen SS, and made pro-Nazi broadcasts in Arabic. Their Jew-hatred unites them.