I believe the year was 1991 and I was a seminary student studying to earn my MDiv degree with an emphasis in marriage and family counseling. A co-worker had been trying to get me to read a book by these guys by the names of "Dave Hunt," and "T. A. McMahon" but I was too busy and I was not really interested. My co-worker continued to press me and so I picked up a book that would change the course of my life forever. The book was called "The Seduction Of Christianity." I read with passion, and would say to myself, "How could I have not seen this before?" As I read through this book, I continually would pray and ask God to forgive me for being so deceived. I followed that book by reading "Beyond Seduction" and "A Woman Rides The Beast," I ordered tapes and listened to them in the car riding back and forth from school and work. The thought that horrified me was, "How could I have been so deceived" and so God put a fire in me that still is burning brightly to this day. I became a "Truth Seeker,"let the chips fall where they may, whatever the consequences are, I want to know and to follow the Truth. My nine children continually hear me say, "Know what you believe and why you believe it." Phrases like these are so a part of me that I don't even think where they came from....though I do know and I am forever thankful for my teacher, "Dave Hunt." I never met Dave in person, but I continued to read or watch whatever teaching that Dave and The Berean Call would publish. I would eventually leave seminary (A Seminary that taught Higher Criticism) and pursue a life time of studying Apologetics and Its use in evangelism. My kids also hear me say repeatedly, "Faith is not a leap in the dark, we can know and prove the facts upon which our faith rests." Dave has not only impacted my life for eternity but also my children's lives and all those who God has allowed me to witness to over the years. I am a disciple who never met his teacher and I regret that I never took the time to thank him. Until We Meet In Glory, Steven Moller