I'm sorry I'm unable to remember exactly what year I read "Seduction," but Mr. Hunt's words lit a fire in me and brought peace to my troubled soul. I had only believed for a short time, and very early on, I became friends with several Word of Faith-types. I had a nearly insatiable hunger for God's Word and the more I read it, the more it didn't seem to be saying what the Faith teachers were claiming. I was very uncomfortable about it, but perplexed that a movement with such cultic beliefs, myths, and practices could be so popular in the 'church.' Logic seemed to dictate that these people, having been in the faith far longer than me, nust surely be right. I just had to be the 'odd one out.' And there were so many of 'them.' What's crazy and ironic is that the pastor of the church I was attending, which, although not fully sold out to the health and wealth, name it and claim it mentality, was preaching a sermon one day on "The Evils of Heresy Hunters." Dave Hunt, having recently published, "The Seduction of Christianity," was at the top of the list. All that was missing that day was a burning of DH in effigy. I confess, I did not like my pastor, and the feeling was mutual on his part. So, with pure childishness and allowing my old man to raise a contradictory, rebellious spirit within me, I decided to hit the bookstore first thing Monday morning. I really did want to know what DH had to say, but for the most part, I was just being ornery. I could not put the book down. It spoke to every issue I'd questioned about WoF and a few similar groups. I thought, "I'm not alone, and there's a small, but growing daily, army of brothers and sisters out there who don't see it the Copeland and gang way. I had been so burdened and bogged down by it all, and Mr. Hunt's meticulous research and documentation lifted this massive load from off me. And I thank God, for DH's courage in writing a book that was sorely needed and bound to be deeply unappreciated by those who were getting rich off their corrupted message. Years later, I was able to meet Mr. Hunt in person, speak with him, (in MN), and tell him how he had been instrumental in restoring me to 'the liberty that we have in Christ Jesus.' So, an eternal 'thank you' to Dave Hunt, and a big thank you to Ruth Hunt and her children for sharing him with all of us. I'm sure he's up there, saving all of you front seats. God Bless you, Vicki Nashville, TN