Dave at Word Of Life | thebereancall.org

Dave at Word Of Life

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New York

To Dave's family and associates, My family spent several years camping at Word of Life-NY in the summer. I was very excited one year when Dave Hunt was going to be our speaker. It was a long wait that spring and summer for camping time to arrive. It was everything I had hoped for - every day a small group listening to him, good coffee, casual relaxing, learning a lot from Dave. What a deep well of understanding to draw from! He had accumulated more knowledge and wisdom in one lifetime than a hundred of us could. Such a testamony of what faith, dedication, a life well lived, passion, and the Holy Spirit can do. My first introduction to David Hunt was the book, "A Woman Rides the Beast", which I just happened upon when looking for more info on a particular topic that was pressing at the time. That book taught me more than was between the covers and gave me a thirst to study more, and I have. Now, my children after me. Thanks, Dave
