In 1986, a brother in Christ told me about this new book he was reading called The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon. He told me that I needed to purchase a copy and read it. I purchased the book at a Bible Bookstore (something you can't do now) and began to read it. To make a long story short, the Lord used that book to open my eyes to the heresy of the 12-step program I was involved in and to state (using Scripture) that alcoholism was not a "disease", but a SIN. The Lord delivered me from that heresy before I even finished reading the book. I started receiving newsletters from the Christian Information Bureau (before Dave and Tom moved to Bend,OR and started the Berean Call in 1992). I have in my possession (in a 3 ring, 4" binder) all the TBC newsletters from 1992 until TBC stopped mailing them and started the email newsletter ministry. I must have over 150 TBC Newsletters. I also have on my bookshelf about 75% of Dave's books. Brother Dave has been a tremendous inspiration and I praise God for his faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and the truth of God's Word, once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 3). He will be greatly missed. Our prayers go to his wife Ruth and the Hunt family, T. A. McMahon and the Berean Call ministry. Keep on keeping on. In Christ Jesus, Linda Robey