Dave Was One of Three Men That God Used to Help Me Leave the Charismatic Movement | thebereancall.org

Dave Was One of Three Men That God Used to Help Me Leave the Charismatic Movement

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It was 1981 and I found myself at a dead-end spiritually and emotionally. My experience with the "Restoration" branch of the Latter Rain Movement had left me empty, burned out, and in a deep depression. I was living and working in Los Angeles at the time, and was serving in youth and worship ministry in a Hispanic congregation in Southgate, CA. In spite of my conservative Christian Church upbringing on the mission field in Mexico, I had grown tired of the absence of passion for evangelism and the lack of growth in the church of my youth. This dissatisfaction was clearly the catalyst that eventually drew me to the fantastic claims and to the dynamic lifestyle of the Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement. Nevertheless, here I was on the other end of that very same journey having tasted the poisoned muddy waters of the Shepherding Movement, with more question that I had answers for. It was at that moment that I happened to turn on the local Christian radio and began to listen to a series by John MacArthur Jr. on the gift of tongues. Wow! It was almost like he was speaking to my personal need at the time. Later on, God led me to a series of articles written by Albert Dager in his Media Spotlight newsletter on the Kingdom Now/ Dominion heresy. Shortly after that, I discovered Dave Hunt's newsletter which further reinforced many of the things that I was already discovering in God's word. Finally, it was "Seduction of Christianity" and "Beyond Seduction" that put all the pieces of the puzzle together for me. I have saved every Berean Call newsletter that I received over the years, and I especially appreciate Dave's generous donation of a number of his tapes to our ministry in Mexico. He was a great defender of truth and he will be sorely missed by many. Surely he has received the reward of a faithful servant. All of us here on the mission field will miss him, and we pray that Ruth and their family will be comforted by the Holy Spirit.